
Domestic Supply Odin Test Cypionate Deca Masteron Dianabol Winstrol Log

Thank you for the great updates for posting bloodwork! This is so helpful and is a great read as well!
Hey crew!

Was out sick for a week which unfortunately tends to happen this time of year, especially with a 2 year old bringing who knows what home from school.

If you have ever been sick on cycle you know how frustrating it can be because it can feel like a wasted week or few days. But as most of us know forced recovery usually favors us in the end.

See attached photo. Leanest I’ve been on the cycle thanks to the ‘back end of cycle clean up‘ the amazing winstrol from Odin c/o of Domestic Supply. Weight is still high at 228lbs. so since I’ve been getting shredded and maintaining weight my lean mass is obviously increasing. Strength to weight ratio is through the roof too.

Although my lifts aren't seeing the same huge jumps week to week like they were thanks to the DBol that’s to be expected and are still jumping up 5lbs-10lbs a week at least.

Feeling really good with this cycle. Strong and powerful, all killer and no filler!0C25989F-8B51-438E-BA2E-0FB6D541B4F6.jpeg
Wow thanks guys. Always appreciate not just how helpful and insightful the leaders and members here are but also how supportive everyone is. Thank you!
Afternoon team!

Hope everyone had a fun and fantastic holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy Hannukah to everyone.

As I wrap this cycle log up wanted to provide a bit of a from/to.

Cycle was all Odin products c/o Domestic Supply:
1-12 test cyp 400mg/week
1-12 Deca 400mg/week
1-12 masteron enthanate 600mg/week
1-5 DBol 50mg/day
9-14 winstrol 50mg/day

Week 1:
41 years old
8% BF

Bench: 335lbs.
Squat: 440lbs.
Shoulder Press: 205lbs.
Deadlift: 505lbs.

Week 6:
42 years old
8.2% BF

Bench: 345lbs.
Squat: 450lbs.
Shoulder Press: 215lbs.
Deadlift: 525lbs.

Week 12:
42 years old
7.6% BF

Bench: 350lbs. +5%
Squat: 460lbs. +5%
Shoulder Press: 225lbs. +10%
Deadlift: 545lbs. +8%

High level overview…
First 4-6 weeks driven by the DBol kick shot my size and lifts through the roof. Took a body comp at week 6 and was a big boy! See photo below.

Back half was a nice recomp lean out driven by the Winstrol where overall at the end of it had put on 5lbs of clean muscle while shredding out to a nice 7.6% BF without even counting macros. AND most important to me seeing my major lifts jump up 5-10% each.

Easily one of the cleanest and most productive cycles I’ve ever run. Big thanks to Domestic Supply for stocking the Odin gear that helped drive these results. Cleanest and strongest gear I’ve ever used.

Pretty proud of these numbers. Not bad for a 42 year old dad with a 2 year old and 50+ hour a week job!

Thanks for all the support here guys!

thats excellent brother.. .!! ive watched your progress throughout and seen your pics and you are looking some of the best ive ever seen you look... just fucking awesome and you know ive expressed that you to several times... im very proud of your work on this! really great job staying consistent throughout and taking all of it very serious! people need to take notes as this is how its done!
I read through your log this morning and it is very impressive my friend! This is a great reference for others to see and also a great reference for yourself to look back on! Nice work and a great read for everyone!
This has been such a great log kept with results that are just excellent! Great work is an understatement!!
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