
Approved Log 1-Stop Domestic Shop Log! ~16 week~

Ok gear is really kicking in. I feel fully recovered after 2 days. And that’s a high intensity Mike Mentzer style workout. Where before it was taking me 3 to 4 days to recover. Would I be over training if I go in after just 2 days. Or should I wait. But I feel strong nd ready to go again. But don’t want to over do it either. What are your guys thoughts?
Ok it’s off to the gym to make those 1 stop domestic shop gains! Notice little changes each week. Doing a full body workout today. Eating lots of eggs oatmeal Chicken, sweet potatoes, brussels sprouts, and making good gains keeping diet very clean
Had a flu bug for three days. But going into gym today. First day back to gym after being sick. Missed my injection cause I was sick but also taking that today as well.
Happy new year everyone. Time to make those gains. Still going strong on my 1 stop domestic shop gear! Get your gains going in the new year with your trusted gear like 1 stop. It’s been 8 weeks now and going good.
Ok I’m switching my workout from a full body workout to a 3 day split. Did full body for 8 weeks now wanna mix it up to get more gains.

1 back/cheast
2 legs
3 shoulders arms

Hit abs at end on all days
Ok pictures coming soon. This next 8 weeks is gonna be killer. Now that I’m doing a split Routine now I think I’m gonna squeeze out even some more gains from the gear
Ok pictures coming soon. This next 8 weeks is gonna be killer. Now that I’m doing a split Routine now I think I’m gonna squeeze out even some more gains from the gear
I'm with you Bro. I will post photo as well.

Let's do this...
Ok now I know what they mean by the D-bol crazy lower back pumps and cramps. Holy shit after doing my back cheast workout I can barely stand straight killer pump in lower back
Total testosterone, and a free testosterone blood work


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Guys, if you’re worried about the quality of one stop domestic shops gear, don’t worry about it just got all my blood work back and everything is on point. The gear is good to go and I’m feeling it really kicking in. Strength is good. Endurance is good recovery times good everything is as it should be so reach out and get all your gear and don’t worry about wondering if it’s legit or not blood work doesn’t lie.
Ok don’t know if any of you have had an amino acid IV done before but they are great! Straight to the blood stream. Plus add vitamin c all b vitamins glutamine etc.
OK, coming to the end of the cycle pictures coming soon. Still feeling good and strong made a total of 15 pounds body fat came down slightly, but I think that was due to my own diet and not enough cardio.
I made a total gain of 15pds body fat % came slightly down. But I can see more Definition from when I started. Posted bloodwork earlier in this thread so I know gear was all legit and real good stuff. Don’t have any doubts about getting your stuff from one stop domestic shop it’s legit.
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