
New Member Introduction


New member
Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce myself and tell you guys a little about myself. I'm a 36 year old father of 4, work long hours as an industrial mechanic and still try and get my swole on as best I can. I've been looking for a forum to chat with good folks and not have to deal with the guys that talk down on everyone from their 50 zillion mgs a day soapboxes! I peaked around on this site for a few before joining and I gotta say, I think I found my place!

A little on my background....hopefully without boring the hell out of you. Been lifting weights since I was in junior high and started wrestling and playing football. I've stayed on the weight pile for most of my life and run cycles here and there for the past 15 years or so. Some good and some bad, never really had any good advice from anybody through the years and just kinda winged it and found some things out the hard way as I'm sure some of you have. Its been quite a few years since I've run anything though aside from some test e about a year ago. A few years back I started having a lot of problems with my stomach and was swelling up with hives all the time. I saw Dr. after Dr. for a couple years trying to figure out what was going on before finally being diagnosed with Celiac disease last February (that's why my name is GlutenFarts). And when I say I was diagnosed with Celiacs I mean a real diagnosis... Not like the gluten free fad diet types! Anyhow, during the couple years it was going unchecked I was just wasting away. After I got diagnosed And was eating foods that I could digest I blew up into a fatty in no time. I'm 6'2" and I went from a starving 175 to about 260 quickly. Once I got my diet in check and started motivating my ass to get back to the gym I am happy to say that I am back down to 220 again. I got a long way to go to still to get my lean muscle and BF where I want it but I'm feeling great again. Looking forward to getting to know you all and learn something along the way!
welcome brother this is a great place to be and from time to time you will see the soapbox but its because we are passionate some more than others. and we are about safety and health and longevity. glad you found us
Glad to have you one the board bro! Welcome to I sarms. If you have any questions or needs. Just let me know and I'll be happy to help
Thanks guys. Look forward to seeing you all around. If I have any questions I will be sure to ask. As for right now, I think I will just read and learn what I can
Welcome to ISARMS. Great to hear your doing well. I once knew a coworker that had the same disease ....what a shitty deal. Better for you in the long run though. Health is just more of a priority for you then most due to your condition, but kind of a blessing because you have to keep your diet in check.
Yeah, my diet is better than it's ever been before because it has to be. It sucked to go from being 225 @ about 15% BF to looking like a cancer patient and then to a fat ass. Like I said, I feel good again and I'm just happy for that. I've been focusing hard on cutting weight but still adding quality mass at the same time. I'm sitting at about 20% right now and it's been way easier than I ever thought it would be to get back to this point.
If I'm home I'd love to make it over to the expo. It's only about 15 minutes from the house. I work out of town a lot though. You going? You from Vegas too?
Welcome to the forum. Glad to see someone coming on that has lived a little, knows what he wants and admitted they were just as reckless as anyone else might've been. The 44 is glad you're here, your name inspires greatness.
welcome to isarms brother... great to have you here... i love the fact your taking control of everything and working towards achieving your goals... i am always here to help... i would highly recommend taking a look at sarms to help get you into the best shape possible... if your not familiar, start by reading my articles here...

let me know if you have any questions and im more than happy to help
Welcome aboard bro. I know your struggles, I have a sister that has celiacs disease.


The couple years prior to being diagnosed was terrible but now that I know what the hell is wrong it isn't bad. You adapt and overcome. I actually feel healthier now than I have in the last 10 years. How is your sister doing with it? Hopefully she has found a way to keep it under control.
Oh yeah!! She was diagnosed at the age of 8, first they said it was irritable bowel syndrome, then they thought it was a intestinal infection which led to her diagnoses. She has her moments dealing with it. While she is exercising and eating right she's fine, but she doesnt always like to do that. We learned as a family early on about healthy carbs and gluten.

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