
TRT and cycle


New member
Anyhow I’m now on TRT. Which was pretty much a precursor to me even thinking about going back into bodybuilding when I got out of prison my life in that regard as far as using hormones I had pretty much decided was over because I know how things can get a bit sticky when you get older. Anyhow brother I need your help you have way too much information I’ve been fucked and fucked over and over again trying to do the right thing I’m not a crybaby I’m not some fucking complainer or bitch the bottom line is this very well may be the one or one of the Many Few options I have at actually being successful at least from a achievement perspective. So I was just watching a video of yours about blood work, now when I was going through all of that shit at my job I had briefly explained to you in the previous email and then also at the forum I was feeling like complete shit I told you I was diagnosed with depression but something told me to check my testosterone well my free testosterone was 17!! So I went fucking bananas obviously, anyways so my question to you which hopefully will be one of many and again in all seriousness man like I said information is king and I really need your help honestly because you know so much more than me, you have even helped me to realize how much much I don’t know so I just want to know about blast and cruise while on cycle coming off should I run some a full pct , or should I say screw PCT altogether? Anyhow I don’t have much time But I do really need some advice from you especially on some cycle composition to gain weight I need to put on 20 pounds at least 12 of it needs to be good muscle my diet right now consist of 85% protein I’ve nearly cut out almost every form of carbohydrates and I’ve done that just to change my composition a bit as I told you I have transformed in the negative way while incarcerated nothing but carbs in prison obviously. so again thanks for all your videos man you seem like a really cool cat and you ain’t fucking scared to say it like how it is and I can really respect that anyhow hope to hear back from you I wish you all the best to you and your family.

P.s. now regarding the heart palpitations with knowing some of the information and reflecting do you think it could’ve been that I have not messed with hormones for so long as I mentioned I was incarcerated for nearly a decade and I introduced trenbolone into my body nearly immediately. it was test and Tren for my first cycle back, because I’ve never had trouble with Tren and I’ve never had issues with my heart for that matter , so food for thought my boy some feedback will be nice .
We need to know your full stats, experience and goals before we can advise you.

Have you talked with an endocrinologist?
your palpitations could be attributed to anything, im not psychic there, i have no clue.. you dont just blast and cruise for no reason man, i wont recommend that at all.. i hate that way of thinking and dont ever recommend that type of thing at all... you should see an endocrinologist and have them diagnose you and prescribe you what you need... thats the only thing i would do right now... if you are on cycle now, pct off and then go to the doctor 4-6 weeks after you complete pct...
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