
Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies


Active member
The time has come for me to start my long highly anticipated cycle. First thing first though, I went and had my blood taken just a little bit ago and the lady taking my blood could not get over how big I am, lol. Those were in her own words. She said she felt bad for my woman, haha definitely made my day.

Originally I wasn't going to start this cycle until mid June. However, I'm cutting right now and I have lost a lot of strength the last couple of weeks and I do not want to eat more or lessen my cardio. So, it just makes sense to start my cycle now so the next thing I lose isn't my lbm.

A little background, I'm 29, 6'3", 275 lbs and roughly 14-15% bf (my guess) I've never ran any injectable cycles but I have ran about 4 sarms cycles and 2 ph cycles. I had my fiancee do some measurements last night and those are currently:

Right arm relaxed-17 1/3"/ Flexed-20"
Left arm relaxed-17.5"/Flexed-20"
Right and left quad relaxed-30"/Flexed 31"
Chest relaxed-50"
Neck relaxed-19"
I don't have a waist measurement because I don't like them because I have extremely wide hips but I wear a size 38 pants around the waist.

Ok, my goals for the next 8 weeks are to continue to cut and drop as much bf as possible. I really want to get down around 250-260 ~12% bf before I start my aas. My cycle is going to be as follows:

1-12 LGD 10mg/day
1-12 S4 50mg/day
GW 1-22 20mg/day
1-22 cjc no dac 500mcg/day
1-22 ipamorelin 500mcg/day
1-22 Frag 500mcg/day
8-14 Tbol 50-80mg/day I'll adjust as I go
8-22 Test E 500mg/week
8-22 Proviron 50mg/day
8-22 Aromasin 12.5mg/eod
17-22 Winstrol 50mg/day
17-22 S4 50mg/day

24-28 (I may extend it an additional 4 weeks)

24-28 Clomid 50/50/50/25
24-28 Nolva 40/40/40/20
24-28 Aromasin 12.5 eod
24-28 MK2866 25/25/12.5/12.5
24-28 GW 20/20/20/20

I'll probably also throw in some DAA and maybe some other test boosters. I'll also be using a full array of on cycle supports and other supps.

With all that said, I took my first dose of LGD and S4 right before I started writing this. They tasted just like any other sarm I've had but they definitely tasted way stronger. I'll take another dose of S4 at 530pm preworkout along with my dose of GW.

If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask. Thanks for reading, I know it's long but everyone's feedback will be appreciated.
Awesome brother! I've been looking forward to this one for a while now. You have one incredible and awesome cycle planned out, and I can't wait to see how this all treats you. Looking forward to all your updates, and I will be watching closely my friend!
Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

RickRock said:
Awesome brother! I've been looking forward to this one for a while now. You have one incredible and awesome cycle planned out, and I can't wait to see how this all treats you. Looking forward to all your updates, and I will be watching closely my friend!
Awesome, I can't wait to see how this treats me. I do need to get my Tbol and winny, I'm just waiting for biotech to get their Tbol in stock.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

ibleedoranbla said:
RickRock said:
Awesome brother! I've been looking forward to this one for a while now. You have one incredible and awesome cycle planned out, and I can't wait to see how this all treats you. Looking forward to all your updates, and I will be watching closely my friend!
Awesome, I can't wait to see how this treats me. I do need to get my Tbol and winny, I'm just waiting for biotech to get their Tbol in stock.
Should be anytime now bro. Not long at all
NICE bro... I was looking forward to this one and it looks like there won't be as long of a wait now... thats awesome... you know i'll be here the entire way for support and any type of help you may need! i knjow your going to surpass your goals here!
Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

DylanGemelli said:
NICE bro... I was looking forward to this one and it looks like there won't be as long of a wait now... thats awesome... you know i'll be here the entire way for support and any type of help you may need! i knjow your going to surpass your goals here!
Haha, yea man, I really couldn't wait Abby longer I was itching. Plus like I said, I started to get nervous from losing my strength.
Well, I had my first training session tonight after starting my cycle today. I wish I could say it was a good one but it wasn't. It had nothing to do with the sarms because my workout was ruined by an old prick staff member. I ended up having to skip my cardio and everything, I was so mad I was seeing red.

Long story short, the dead lift mat at my gym has been broken for over 2 years, along with a lot of other run down equipment there. We've all complained to management about this but nothing ever gets done. We can't even read the weights on the dumbbells but they thought it would be a great idea to go and spend a shit ton of money on a playground for crossfit shit. Well, we started dead lifting in a new spot about a year and a half ago, which is just back in the corner right on the concrete ground. I was right in the middle of my set repping out 455 and he comes running over and pulls the fucking lunk alarm on me (it's not a planet fitness, there really isn't a lunk alarm) we argued for awhile and I asked him how he expected me to sit 455 pounds of metal down onto a concrete slab without it making any noise? I also told him if he didn't like the noise then fix the fucking dead lifting mat and while he's at it get the fucking dumbbells painted. He then tried to threaten my contact and he said he was going to suspend me. So, when he did that I told him he wasn't suspending shit until I talked to his boss. I then went into his bosses office and told him everything and he goes, don't worry about it man, we'll get that dead lift mat fixed asap.

Fucking old prick.
I also took some pre cycle pics tonight but I'm very bad in pics. I know I'm fat so take it easy, I'm working on getting rid of that.

ibleedoranbla said:
Well, I had my first training session tonight after starting my cycle today. I wish I could say it was a good one but it wasn't. It had nothing to do with the sarms because my workout was ruined by an old prick staff member. I ended up having to skip my cardio and everything, I was so mad I was seeing red.

Long story short, the dead lift mat at my gym has been broken for over 2 years, along with a lot of other run down equipment there. We've all complained to management about this but nothing ever gets done. We can't even read the weights on the dumbbells but they thought it would be a great idea to go and spend a shit ton of money on a playground for crossfit shit. Well, we started dead lifting in a new spot about a year and a half ago, which is just back in the corner right on the concrete ground. I was right in the middle of my set repping out 455 and he comes running over and pulls the fucking lunk alarm on me (it's not a planet fitness, there really isn't a lunk alarm) we argued for awhile and I asked him how he expected me to sit 455 pounds of metal down onto a concrete slab without it making any noise? I also told him if he didn't like the noise then fix the fucking dead lifting mat and while he's at it get the fucking dumbbells painted. He then tried to threaten my contact and he said he was going to suspend me. So, when he did that I told him he wasn't suspending shit until I talked to his boss. I then went into his bosses office and told him everything and he goes, don't worry about it man, we'll get that dead lift mat fixed asap.

Fucking old prick.

That sucks bro...honestly that's one of the biggest problems I've found with each gym I have been to. Not as much the run down equipment but having dead lifts be too loud without the proper spot to do them in. Somebody always has a problem whether it's staff or another gym member. My current gym is like this and I found another gym that has proper areas to dead lift and DOES maintain the area. When my contract is up in July with my current gym I'm switching over. It can be hard if you don't live in a place with many gyms to try out. I don't...but luckily for me this happened to be a new gym that just got built last year and they opened fairly close to where I live. Hope your next workout is better. Nothing worse than going to the gym for some iron meditation and getting pissed off or shit on.
Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

CriticalEclipZzZ said:
ibleedoranbla said:
Well, I had my first training session tonight after starting my cycle today. I wish I could say it was a good one but it wasn't. It had nothing to do with the sarms because my workout was ruined by an old prick staff member. I ended up having to skip my cardio and everything, I was so mad I was seeing red.

Long story short, the dead lift mat at my gym has been broken for over 2 years, along with a lot of other run down equipment there. We've all complained to management about this but nothing ever gets done. We can't even read the weights on the dumbbells but they thought it would be a great idea to go and spend a shit ton of money on a playground for crossfit shit. Well, we started dead lifting in a new spot about a year and a half ago, which is just back in the corner right on the concrete ground. I was right in the middle of my set repping out 455 and he comes running over and pulls the fucking lunk alarm on me (it's not a planet fitness, there really isn't a lunk alarm) we argued for awhile and I asked him how he expected me to sit 455 pounds of metal down onto a concrete slab without it making any noise? I also told him if he didn't like the noise then fix the fucking dead lifting mat and while he's at it get the fucking dumbbells painted. He then tried to threaten my contact and he said he was going to suspend me. So, when he did that I told him he wasn't suspending shit until I talked to his boss. I then went into his bosses office and told him everything and he goes, don't worry about it man, we'll get that dead lift mat fixed asap.

Fucking old prick.

That sucks bro...honestly that's one of the biggest problems I've found with each gym I have been to. Not as much the run down equipment but having dead lifts be too loud without the proper spot to do them in. Somebody always has a problem whether it's staff or another gym member. My current gym is like this and I found another gym that has proper areas to dead lift and DOES maintain the area. When my contract is up in July with my current gym I'm switching over. It can be hard if you don't live in a place with many gyms to try out. I don't...but luckily for me this happened to be a new gym that just got built last year and they opened fairly close to where I live. Hope your next workout is better. Nothing worse than going to the gym for some iron meditation and getting pissed off or shit on.
It's pretty crazy man, I've never ran into that problem at this gym. I've been going there for 10 years and it's the dirtiest and really biggest shithole in my entire city but that's exactly why I like it. They don't care if your loading up with chalk, moving heavy weights and making noise. Hell there are a lot of big guys that workout in there and in my opinion you're absolutely cheating yourself if you're not doing deads. For whatever reason though, this old guy just had a prick up his ass lady night but the head manager basically said, don't worry about it, he'll take care of it.
Well, today was day 2. I had a much better workout tonight than last night, I had no one bothering me tonight. I felt like I had a slight strength increase tonight and a lot of extra endurance. I'm basically chalking this up to either a placebo from knowing I'm on the sarms or the fact that I got my blood work back today and my test level was 950. I think knowing how high my test is may have given me some sort of superhuman physiological placebo affect, lol.

Tuesday's is a light day for me with the weights. It's just an extra day I have thrown in the mix and my goals for Tuesday are to work for a pump and hypertrophy; so, I can burn through my glycogen stores, that way I can do cardio and make it as efficient as possible. I can't wait until this cycle gets kicking.
Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

ibleedoranbla said:
Well, I had my first training session tonight after starting my cycle today. I wish I could say it was a good one but it wasn't. It had nothing to do with the sarms because my workout was ruined by an old prick staff member. I ended up having to skip my cardio and everything, I was so mad I was seeing red.

Long story short, the dead lift mat at my gym has been broken for over 2 years, along with a lot of other run down equipment there. We've all complained to management about this but nothing ever gets done. We can't even read the weights on the dumbbells but they thought it would be a great idea to go and spend a shit ton of money on a playground for crossfit shit. Well, we started dead lifting in a new spot about a year and a half ago, which is just back in the corner right on the concrete ground. I was right in the middle of my set repping out 455 and he comes running over and pulls the fucking lunk alarm on me (it's not a planet fitness, there really isn't a lunk alarm) we argued for awhile and I asked him how he expected me to sit 455 pounds of metal down onto a concrete slab without it making any noise? I also told him if he didn't like the noise then fix the fucking dead lifting mat and while he's at it get the fucking dumbbells painted. He then tried to threaten my contact and he said he was going to suspend me. So, when he did that I told him he wasn't suspending shit until I talked to his boss. I then went into his bosses office and told him everything and he goes, don't worry about it man, we'll get that dead lift mat fixed asap.

Fucking old prick.
Man that sucks. I think we've all had our own battles with deadlifts in the gym. Them little weak ass trainers don't understand how hard it is to do heavy deads quietly. Its pretty much close to impossible without mats, and even with mats it can get loud
Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

ibleedoranbla said:
I also took some pre cycle pics tonight but I'm very bad in pics. I know I'm fat so take it easy, I'm working on getting rid of that.

Starting pics look great brother! Its only going to get even better from here
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

RickRock said:
ibleedoranbla said:
I also took some pre cycle pics tonight but I'm very bad in pics. I know I'm fat so take it easy, I'm working on getting rid of that.

Starting pics look great brother! Its only going to get even better from here
Thanks man! I spent a lot of time eating large amounts of food and lifting as heavy as I can and I took it a bit too far. I ended up getting over 300# I've since gotten back down to 275. I'm over that bulking shit, I'm ready to get lean and mean, that is my sole focus.
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

RickRock said:
ibleedoranbla said:
Well, I had my first training session tonight after starting my cycle today. I wish I could say it was a good one but it wasn't. It had nothing to do with the sarms because my workout was ruined by an old prick staff member. I ended up having to skip my cardio and everything, I was so mad I was seeing red.

Long story short, the dead lift mat at my gym has been broken for over 2 years, along with a lot of other run down equipment there. We've all complained to management about this but nothing ever gets done. We can't even read the weights on the dumbbells but they thought it would be a great idea to go and spend a shit ton of money on a playground for crossfit shit. Well, we started dead lifting in a new spot about a year and a half ago, which is just back in the corner right on the concrete ground. I was right in the middle of my set repping out 455 and he comes running over and pulls the fucking lunk alarm on me (it's not a planet fitness, there really isn't a lunk alarm) we argued for awhile and I asked him how he expected me to sit 455 pounds of metal down onto a concrete slab without it making any noise? I also told him if he didn't like the noise then fix the fucking dead lifting mat and while he's at it get the fucking dumbbells painted. He then tried to threaten my contact and he said he was going to suspend me. So, when he did that I told him he wasn't suspending shit until I talked to his boss. I then went into his bosses office and told him everything and he goes, don't worry about it man, we'll get that dead lift mat fixed asap.

Fucking old prick.
Man that sucks. I think we've all had our own battles with deadlifts in the gym. Them little weak ass trainers don't understand how hard it is to do heavy deads quietly. Its pretty much close to impossible without mats, and even with mats it can get loud
This is exactly what I tried to explain to the guy. He was accusing me of not knowing how to dead lift and told me that I was doing the weights. He then told me I need to touch and go not slam the weights.

I then tried to explain to him that I'm not doing or slamming the weights, simply I'm sitting 450 pounds of metal down on a concrete floor, it's impossible for it not to make noise. I then also tried to explain to the guy that I don't do "touch and go" and no one else should either. I bring the weight to the floor to a dead stop and start the lift over again. I don't use momentum to spring back up into my next lift and that's exactly what touch and go is, using momentum to get your reps.
Today was day 3. I haven't noticed any added benefits from the sarms yet but that's to be expected, they usually don't get kicken until about week 2.

I had a good workout but it wasn't any better than usual. I did back and biceps tonight and followed that up with 50 minutes of hiit/ss on the elliptical

One thing to note, these sarms taste horrid. I have ran about 4 different sarms cycles and I never understood why everyone bitched about the taste, I mean none of them taste good but I didn't think it was a big deal. However, these sarms just stay with me. I cannot get rid of the taste no matter what I do for hours. The taste is just so overwhelmingly strong. I'm hoping that the taste is a testament to their potency.
Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

ibleedoranbla said:
Today was day 3. I haven't noticed any added benefits from the sarms yet but that's to be expected, they usually don't get kicken until about week 2.

I had a good workout but it wasn't any better than usual. I did back and biceps tonight and followed that up with 50 minutes of hiit/ss on the elliptical

One thing to note, these sarms taste horrid. I have ran about 4 different sarms cycles and I never understood why everyone bitched about the taste, I mean none of them taste good but I didn't think it was a big deal. However, these sarms just stay with me. I cannot get rid of the taste no matter what I do for hours. The taste is just so overwhelmingly strong. I'm hoping that the taste is a testament to their potency.
I'm sure you'll start noticing those changes very soon brother. The sarms really start getting good a couple weeks in.

The taste is never good lol, but that just means the compound is being suspended properly
Re: RE: Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

RickRock said:
ibleedoranbla said:
Today was day 3. I haven't noticed any added benefits from the sarms yet but that's to be expected, they usually don't get kicken until about week 2.

I had a good workout but it wasn't any better than usual. I did back and biceps tonight and followed that up with 50 minutes of hiit/ss on the elliptical

One thing to note, these sarms taste horrid. I have ran about 4 different sarms cycles and I never understood why everyone bitched about the taste, I mean none of them taste good but I didn't think it was a big deal. However, these sarms just stay with me. I cannot get rid of the taste no matter what I do for hours. The taste is just so overwhelmingly strong. I'm hoping that the taste is a testament to their potency.
I'm sure you'll start noticing those changes very soon brother. The sarms really start getting good a couple weeks in.

The taste is never good lol, but that just means the compound is being suspended properly
Yea, I'm sure you're right. I know it takes a week or two, I'm not worried and I didn't expect to see any kind of results yet.
Nice log bro!!! I'll be keeping track as you and I are roughly the same size and body type. Thats a bad ass stack you got going on. I love Euro Pharma stuff, grade A shit if you ask me. Keep up the good work and SLAM THOSE DEADLIFTS!!! FUCK EM
Re: RE: Re: Summer cycle log! Pure Essence, Peptide Warehouse, and Euro Pharmacies

BigBusiness said:
Nice log bro!!! I'll be keeping track as you and I are roughly the same size and body type. Thats a bad ass stack you got going on. I love Euro Pharma stuff, grade A shit if you ask me. Keep up the good work and SLAM THOSE DEADLIFTS!!! FUCK EM
Awesome man, glad to have you aboard. I look forward to your feedback as the cycle progresses. I have heard great things about Euro pharmacies buy unfortunately, I don't have anything to compare it to because this is my first.

As for a small update while I'm here, I've had this nagging pain in my left bicep for about the last month. Since I've started the LGD I've noticed that each day the pain has gotten progressively better. It's still there but today it feels much better than it has in a long while.
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