First post here, will try to make it a simple one.
Background Info
- I've been weight lifting consistently for the last four years
- I have never ran a cycle of juice in the past and have no desire to, because of the potential side-effects and risks involved
- For almost a year now, I have been taking a daily dose of testosterone gel as prescribed by my Endocrinologist to relieve my symptoms of low testosterone
- The testosterone gel has brought my testosterone levels from rock bottom to the higher end of the normal range, while still remaining below supra physiological levels. It has helped with my mood, libido, energy, strength and muscle gains etc, however I am also noticing faster hair shedding and more acne outbursts because of it's androgenic nature.
My plan is to lower my prescribed dose of testosterone (with the consent of my endocrinologist) , and start running RAD-140 at about 20mg per day for 12 weeks to assist with the muscle and strength gains, but without the risk of androgenic sides that come with the higher doses of testosterone. Would lowering my testosterone dose but combining it with RAD-140 allow me to maintain my rapid muscle and strength gains with fewer risks of androgenic side effects? Also, could the 20mg of RAD-140 per day help to minimise any drop in mood, energy and libido that may come with lowering my testosterone levels from the high end of the spectrum to the mid/ low-mid range?
Background Info
- I've been weight lifting consistently for the last four years
- I have never ran a cycle of juice in the past and have no desire to, because of the potential side-effects and risks involved
- For almost a year now, I have been taking a daily dose of testosterone gel as prescribed by my Endocrinologist to relieve my symptoms of low testosterone
- The testosterone gel has brought my testosterone levels from rock bottom to the higher end of the normal range, while still remaining below supra physiological levels. It has helped with my mood, libido, energy, strength and muscle gains etc, however I am also noticing faster hair shedding and more acne outbursts because of it's androgenic nature.
My plan is to lower my prescribed dose of testosterone (with the consent of my endocrinologist) , and start running RAD-140 at about 20mg per day for 12 weeks to assist with the muscle and strength gains, but without the risk of androgenic sides that come with the higher doses of testosterone. Would lowering my testosterone dose but combining it with RAD-140 allow me to maintain my rapid muscle and strength gains with fewer risks of androgenic side effects? Also, could the 20mg of RAD-140 per day help to minimise any drop in mood, energy and libido that may come with lowering my testosterone levels from the high end of the spectrum to the mid/ low-mid range?