

  1. Cocopiny

    Running high test?

    Im considering running the following cycle for my recomposition, with the goal of gaining as much muscle as pos without gaining too much fat. 1.25g test Sustanon/wk 400mg mast 300mg Boldenone (Might add lgd4033 along the way) Any experience with running test this high? (Yes I have an...
  2. Cocopiny

    Next cycle recommendation

    Hey guys what do you think about my next stack. This is an overall recomp stack (in a slight defecit eating clean and doing 1hr cardio a day) planning on looking shredded and large at the same time. Current look My stack idea- Weeks 1-4 Test Sustanon 250- 500mg/wk Deca-300mg/wk...
  3. S

    Cutting cycle questions

    Hi I am a new member with the forum! I’m looking to begin a sarms cutting stack. I am currently 101.5 kg, with what I assume to be around 25-30 percent body fat. Most my fat is stored on my belly which is due to what believe is medication side effects of serequel. From the research I’ve done...
  4. Cocopiny

    LGD and mk677 dosage PILL FORM

    Hey guys quick one; Got myself some Sarms. I’m wondering if the dosage protocols are different for these if they are in pill form instead of liquid. My lgd4033 is dosed at 12MG/pill and mk677 is at 25mg/pill. Does this sound about right? From what I’ve seen on here I want to keep mk677 at...
  5. P

    First Cycle

    Hey Guys, this is my first post on this Forum. I'll be running my first SARM cycle for 8-12 weeks from January. If anyone could give input that would be much appreciated, fire away with any comments you have! Context: Height 5ft 10in. I've have been carnivore now for around 5 months, started...
  6. Cocopiny

    Igf-1 on a diet?

    Hey y’all Current physique and bodyfat percent for reference; I’d guess close to 15% Just started my diet to get shredded for Spain holliday in late December. Was wondering wether continuing to do Igf-1DES straight after training alongside a big meal of rice and chicken into the muscle...
  7. J

    Cycle suggestion.

    I'm looking for suggestions on a stack sarms or steroids that can help with more explosive power/speed for athletic performance. I play flag football competitively and travel to multiple tournaments a year around the country. I should be ok gaining 3-7 pounds of muscle and still have good...
  8. bcalton

    Age 27 beginner sarms cycle question

    Hello everyone, I am new around here I have recently done some research on sarms and am looking for advice on a beginner stack. My diet is quite clean i eat 4-5 meals a day mostly rice chicken fish and veggies with a protein oatmeal and flax seed combo for breakfast. I've always had a very hard...
  9. S

    SARMS Netherlands

    Hello everyone, I've been lifting for about 2/3 years and curently looking at buying SARMS. After some research I founds RAD-140 to be looking good. I weigh around 100kg and im 20 years old. My lifts are: bench 120kg, squat 190kg and deadlift 200kg. Dont want to do something crazy for my first...
  10. Cocopiny

    Cutting cycle advice for classic physique bodybuilder

    Hey All Hopefully I’m not breaking rules by asking for stack advice? Currently this is me- 97kg naked 18.3’ arms off pump 16-18% bodyfat Most recent two cycles- Cut cycle- Masteron,400- 600mg/wk wk1-12 Test sustnanon 250- 500mg-750mg wk1-12 Winstrol- 20-40mg wk6-12 Anavar- 20-40mg wk1-12...
  11. J

    PCT for Ostarine?

    Just received Ostarine + Cardarine from Umbrella. Blown away -- great prices, easy checkout, free shipping, amazing packaging/branding, responsive customer service, etc etc. This co really goes above/beyond. Have also purchased peptides & SARMs from -- also a great exp -- but...
  12. M

    Mk677 question

    mk677 cycle prefer 6 months or more, so if stack to my cycle, test and anavar cycle is 12 week then 4 week PCT, so after PCT, still can only use MK677 until 6 months? no need stop all the drug? thanks for any information
  13. J

    stack question for d2 swimmer

    I'm D2 swimmer in college and as of now completely natural, been to/finaled at ncaa nats in sprint events, I specialize in 50 free and sprinting all 4 strokes so 100m is the absolute most I race. I've done most everything I can to get to elite level of the sport naturally. i'm making the...
  14. D

    First sarms cycle advice

    Hello I’m a 21 year old male I have never touched any PEDs before but I’m planning to take sarms for first time . My goal is to recomp ( build dry lean muscle and burn fat) For aesthetics my stack : Acp-105 starting dose 10 mg to 20 mg max Cardarine : 20-25 mg Dhea as test base Question...
  15. Davz

    First SARM Cycle.

    Hi, I have read alot here on the forums and I hesitate alot between Rad-140 + cardarine or Ostarine + Cardarine I have played racket sport at national level for the past 18 years (I am 32 years old). I stopped competing last year, and most likely will only play for fun. Covid added me abit of...
  16. S

    LGD cycle

    Hi all, Currently been on a lgd (muscle rage) cycle for 3 weeks, started on 3mg for week 1 and 6mg for weeks 2 and 3. Two days ago i have come down with a really bad stomach bug and I am passing liquid, have had fever , and headaches. Could this have anything to do with the lgd itself, and...
  17. L

    Sarms Bulking Stack

    Hi isarms I wanted to get some feedback on my sarms bulking stack. Info: age 36, weight 96 kg (lost around 9 kg since mid May 2021). Still trying to lose more weight. I have been working out since age 18, on and off. But this year I started again after a 3 years break. So I would start this...
  18. R

    Newbie here with Sarms

    Just started Sarms, anything i need to know or advice?
  19. D

    sarms for muay thai

    Hi Dylan, I am a Muay Thai practitioner. I am 34 years old. I am looking for the safest sarms possible. I am interested in a sarms that can give me extra boost in energy, endurance, focus, and of course bigger and stronger muscles. I am not interested in the most powerful but about the safest...
  20. G

    Looking for Oral only cycle advice

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for a oral only steroid cycle. I have done 2 cycles of LGD at this point. I want to do a oral only steroid cycle now. I have been looking at TBol, Anavar, Primo like individually not like all stacked together. I have read in some places that oral only cycles are usually...
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