Hey All
Hopefully I’m not breaking rules by asking for stack advice?
Currently this is me-
97kg naked
18.3’ arms off pump
16-18% bodyfat
Most recent two cycles-
Cut cycle-
Masteron,400- 600mg/wk wk1-12
Test sustnanon 250- 500mg-750mg wk1-12
Winstrol- 20-40mg wk6-12
Anavar- 20-40mg wk1-12
Looked like this at the end of this cut with the following stats- 17.6” arms off pump
7-9% bodyfat

I then bulked to the stats given above and ended up-

next cutting stack advice? I want to maintain as much muscle (potentially build some) and get to 7~% bodyfat like last time. I’ve since tried tren and loved it (low dose, don’t think I can handle more than 200mg/wk without losing my mind and contributing skills to the skull throne and blood to the blood god if you get me
Few questions, firstly I want this to be a long stack, at least 16 wks.
Next, I’ve started hating orals, they make me feel very tired, put pressure on my liver and make some training sessions suck due to high liver enzyme induced low energy level. I’d much prefer strong injectable alternatives.I’ve seen Dylan’s 20 wk recomp cycle and I’m thinking of doing something very similar in terms of compounds, dosages and length, thoughts?
On another note, (aside from aromatise inhibitors) I haven’t ever used any sarms. Any advice? Please forgive me if this is against the rules to ask but any good UK sources?
Thank you for your time bros.
Hopefully I’m not breaking rules by asking for stack advice?
Currently this is me-
97kg naked
18.3’ arms off pump
16-18% bodyfat
Most recent two cycles-
Cut cycle-
Masteron,400- 600mg/wk wk1-12
Test sustnanon 250- 500mg-750mg wk1-12
Winstrol- 20-40mg wk6-12
Anavar- 20-40mg wk1-12
Looked like this at the end of this cut with the following stats- 17.6” arms off pump
7-9% bodyfat

I then bulked to the stats given above and ended up-

next cutting stack advice? I want to maintain as much muscle (potentially build some) and get to 7~% bodyfat like last time. I’ve since tried tren and loved it (low dose, don’t think I can handle more than 200mg/wk without losing my mind and contributing skills to the skull throne and blood to the blood god if you get me

Few questions, firstly I want this to be a long stack, at least 16 wks.
Next, I’ve started hating orals, they make me feel very tired, put pressure on my liver and make some training sessions suck due to high liver enzyme induced low energy level. I’d much prefer strong injectable alternatives.I’ve seen Dylan’s 20 wk recomp cycle and I’m thinking of doing something very similar in terms of compounds, dosages and length, thoughts?
On another note, (aside from aromatise inhibitors) I haven’t ever used any sarms. Any advice? Please forgive me if this is against the rules to ask but any good UK sources?
Thank you for your time bros.