Hi, I’ve done a few cycles before both with Sarms, oils and orals over the years.
Hoping to get some recommendations for my next cycle.
31y, female, weightlifting 6days a week, cardio 6-7 days a week(mostly cycling), 140lb, 5’7, 15% bf.
My latest cycle started with carderine and s4 to lose fat.
Then moved into lgb and anavar.
But them my trainer suggested I switch it for Anadrol (10mg) oral and primo (100pw) injectable. I had used primo before.
I had some side effects during the cycle but they all went away after I stopped. I gained a good amount of muscle and shredded fat well, was down to single digits bf without trying. I did feel depleted (mentally and physically) and slightly depressed after my cycle and regained some fat.
For my next cycle I’m looking to add more lean muscle.
My trainer is suggesting eq and primo. I’m not sure about the eq cause my research shows that it runs high risk of virtualization side effects for females and increase appetite.
I read that some recommend npp instead of eq?
I’m considering either
-Primo +npp OR eq
-Primo + anadrol (again) + maybe add lgd?
-primo + var + (again) + lgd
Or very open to other suggestions too!
I would of course like to avoid virtualization, permanent hormone imbalance and increased appetite/fat gain.
Would really appreciate advice. It’s not so easy finding specific cycles for females. It’s all about var, Clen or solo cycles it seems.
Hoping to get some recommendations for my next cycle.
31y, female, weightlifting 6days a week, cardio 6-7 days a week(mostly cycling), 140lb, 5’7, 15% bf.
My latest cycle started with carderine and s4 to lose fat.
Then moved into lgb and anavar.
But them my trainer suggested I switch it for Anadrol (10mg) oral and primo (100pw) injectable. I had used primo before.
I had some side effects during the cycle but they all went away after I stopped. I gained a good amount of muscle and shredded fat well, was down to single digits bf without trying. I did feel depleted (mentally and physically) and slightly depressed after my cycle and regained some fat.
For my next cycle I’m looking to add more lean muscle.
My trainer is suggesting eq and primo. I’m not sure about the eq cause my research shows that it runs high risk of virtualization side effects for females and increase appetite.
I read that some recommend npp instead of eq?
I’m considering either
-Primo +npp OR eq
-Primo + anadrol (again) + maybe add lgd?
-primo + var + (again) + lgd
Or very open to other suggestions too!
I would of course like to avoid virtualization, permanent hormone imbalance and increased appetite/fat gain.
Would really appreciate advice. It’s not so easy finding specific cycles for females. It’s all about var, Clen or solo cycles it seems.