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Training on sarms

Hello everyone,

Will be starting a 12 week Recomp Oriented SARMS cycle in a few days with the following SARMSx products:
GW 20mg p/day
Ostarine 30mg p/day
S4 25mg 2x p/day
SR 10mg 3x p/day

Current training routine

- Push, Pull, Legs 2x each per week, 1 rest day
- 6 reps for compound movements, 12 reps for isolation exercises
- 8-10 compound sets total per body part, 3 isolation sets per body part
- rest 1.5mins between compound sets, 1 min between isolation sets

Questions for Training adjustments during SARMS cycle

1. Should my rep range be adjusted at all?
2. Should rest between sets be shortened?
3. Should volume be increased?
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bro, training and diet questions are all conducive to your goals, period... if you are doing a recomp then you should do heavier weights with minimal rest in between sets so you are getting in the size yet cut in the process... you want to build endurance here so you can maximize efforts and cut fat while building muscle... the more muscle you build, the more fat you lose and the lower rest periods, the more fat burning will occur as well...
Hey Dylan,

Yeah, I figured rep range was purely goal oriented and would not need to be changed during SARMS cycle. What I am more curious about is whether I should be lowering rest periods and increasing volume during my SARMS cycle to utilise better recovery?
good lord man... i just said that! i said to take less time in between sets and increase the weight... come on bro..
Ah shoot, I totally misread your response the first time over bro, haven't had much sleep. Sorry about that :(

PS. I have a quick question regarding the addition of AAS to my SARMS cycle, can I ask you here or is there a more appropriate location?
Posting all my info below. To first clarify, I am a TRT patient (90mg test p/week), and began taking AAS only after being on TRT for several months and doing my research. My cycles only ever consist of Testosterone and NPP due to hair loss sensitivity.

Age: 21
Height: 5:11
Weight: 185 pounds
Bodyfat: would estimate it to be 18% (quite high, which is why the first four weeks of my SARMS cycle will be an intense cut, directly followed by an 8 week recomp)

Cycle History
- First cycle: 10 weeks test 500mg - around 15 pounds muscle gained
- Second cycle: 10 weeks test 400mg + NPP 400mg - around 10 pounds muscle gained (had glandular fever mid-cycle which halted my progress for a while)

I really liked the NPP, as it gave good strength boost, consistent gains, and did not affect my hair. Thus, I have been considering whether to add some NPP to my upcoming cut/recomp SARMS cycle to enhance the results. I have come up with the following options:

Option 1: Include it at a modest 200mg p/week and run it for the duration of the 12 weeks.
Option 2: reserve it for my next bulk cycle and run it for 12 weeks at 400mg p/week alongside RAD and LGD.
Option 3: Include it in both cycles. My only concern being whether 4 weeks in between the two SARMS cycles is not enough time off of NPP.

What do you think? which, if any, of the options looks best to you? feel free to skin me alive If I am doing something wrong or foolish. Cheers.
With your body fat where it's at currently, you need to leave the steroids out and just stick with sarms added to your trt.

Your goal should be cutting at the moment
Thanks RickRock, I will leave it out then. I am in total agreement, cutting should be my focus at this point in time. With this in mind, I have a few more questions I would like to ask:

1. Do you think I should change my original plan for a 4 week cut + 8 week recomp to an 8 week cut + 4 week recomp to increase fat shed?
2. During the cut phase, how large of a calorie deficit can I run safely without worrying about muscle loss?
3. What is your view on T3, can I combine it safely with SARMS?

Thanks RickRock, I will leave it out then. I am in total agreement, cutting should be my focus at this point in time. With this in mind, I have a few more questions I would like to ask:

1. Do you think I should change my original plan for a 4 week cut + 8 week recomp to an 8 week cut + 4 week recomp to increase fat shed?
2. During the cut phase, how large of a calorie deficit can I run safely without worrying about muscle loss?
3. What is your view on T3, can I combine it safely with SARMS?

1- yes I would structure your cycle more towards the cutting side but you could recomp still through the whole cycle with this stack if diet and training is right

2- I think a deficit of about 300-500 calories per day is what I'd aim for with high protein, moderate carbs, and low fats. That will allow you to recomp

3- you don't want to mess with T3 or anything that can affect thyroid function. It's not worth it, plus it's extremely Catabolic and eats up muscle
Cheers Rickrock, you are a boss! Smart advice. I will restructure my cycle and forget the T3. If you would be so kind, I've got a few more questions:

1. First, I would like to clarify something. As you suggested, I will eat at a deficit of 300-500 during the cut. You then mentioned that this deficit would also allow me to recomp. Do you mean to say that I should stick to the deficit of 300-500 for essentially the whole 12 weeks? Or should I use -300/500 for the cut and then bump up to around maintenance to optimise muscle gain during the recomp phase?

2. After this cycle and a 4 week break, I will be moving on to a 12 week bulk cycle consisting of RAD+LGD from SARMSx. I'm curious as to roughly how much muscle mass one could expect to put on in this amount of time with a surplus of say 300 cals, assuming one is still far from there genetic potential?

3. With the aforementioned SARMS and at a surplus of 300 cals, can I expect to put on the muscle with little/no fat gain?

4. I am taking you up on your advice to forget about AAS for the cut/recomp cycle, especially with my body fat being as high as it is. But for the subsequent bulk cycle, is there merit in combining AAS alongside LGD+RAD? Would these substances synergise well, giving me results greater than the sum of its parts?

Hey Vildail, Sorry I didn't phrase it properly. I meant to say 8-10 compound sets per workout, not per body part. For instance, push day would be 8-10 compound sets for chest and shoulders COMBINED, not separate. For instance 4 sets flat bench, 2 sets incline bench, and 4 sets shoulder press. With 3 sets of isolation movements for triceps. So I would be hitting chest for only 12 sets per week.
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