
New Member Looking for Direction

Hello everyone,

Okay so I am out of shape and I have not worked out in years. I need to lose weight. I am older and have money so I am not held back in that regard. So I was thinking I would get some good ole gear to help me out. But I have received 2 red flags during my research. The first one was advice "don't try to bulk while your trying to lose" seams like good advice. But I defeated it by reading muscle mass burns more calories. Well that seams right also. So I cont. to read about gear and what to get ect ect. Then I run across Dylan Gemelli's you tube videos. After watching 5-7 of them on the gear I was looking into I came across a video "Are you ready for Steroids". Okay! Dylan message heard load and clear /slam on breaks! As per your video I am so not a good candidate for steroid exploration.

So here I am. I will give you a quick bio and hopefully you all can give me my options.
I am 40 years old, I have almost no sex drive what so ever, I am 5'11" and weight in at 240 lbs. with according to my fancy new scale 33.6% body fat. I know I have low T because a doctor tested me and put me on test. But that didn't seam to do anything to help with sex drive (that was the problem I was trying to fix at the time). I also know my doctor was always concerned because my body seamed to like to turn the test she was giving me into estrogen.

I do know the answer here get off my lazy ass and get in shape! But I don't like gym's I never have. I don't like working out, cardio is some boring &*^ %$^#, and I don't like my body being sore all the time.

I need help with things I can do to get the most bang for my time now that I have decided I do need to do the work and I am going to do it. But I do want help. I do want to cheat a little......

This is what I have agreed I am going to do and have already started doing.
I got a personal trainer, I am with him helping me. Going to start at going through a BuiltLean 8-Week Program. And I have started eating good clean food and stayed under a 1,933 calorie per day budget for 1 week now.

So my question is what can and should I do the cheat with my fat lose goals?
Step 1. learn about anti-estrogens. they will stop your testosterone from turning into estrogen.

2. develop a short warm up (6-8min) , then 40min of lifting, followed by 25min of cardio. this is going to be the best way to build some muscle and burn away the fat.

your body will use up the simple sugars for energy, body fat and lasty, muscle for energy. You may need to sip a EAA/BCAA during the last bit of your cardio to make sure your not using muscle for energy.

its good that you have the TRT script, we can play with things now once you are ready for them. Next, none of this is going to be easy......All of it is going to require you to kill yourself in the gym & kitchen to reach your goals. Being 190lbs with a 6pack takes about 6-8 months from where your at now, prepare for it.

start looking at those app's you download on your phone to track your macro's to the T. Dylan also has a diet program he offer's here i think (not 100% on that), but i know he will be able to string you along the way (as will I)

You need to learn all the 101 type stuff. All the threads here, read them. All Dylan's vid' em.

But we are going to need to get you 1 AI. So that your tes, stays tes once you inj it into your body. naturally it will convert to estrogen at 20-30%, so we need to stop that 20/30% completely.

Aromasin or adex or a number of others can accomplish that.

last, welcome buddy, dive in
Epson Exile said:
Hello everyone,

Okay so I am out of shape and I have not worked out in years. I need to lose weight. I am older and have money so I am not held back in that regard. So I was thinking I would get some good ole gear to help me out. But I have received 2 red flags during my research. The first one was advice "don't try to bulk while your trying to lose" seams like good advice. But I defeated it by reading muscle mass burns more calories. Well that seams right also. So I cont. to read about gear and what to get ect ect. Then I run across Dylan Gemelli's you tube videos. After watching 5-7 of them on the gear I was looking into I came across a video "Are you ready for Steroids". Okay! Dylan message heard load and clear /slam on breaks! As per your video I am so not a good candidate for steroid exploration.

So here I am. I will give you a quick bio and hopefully you all can give me my options.
I am 40 years old, I have almost no sex drive what so ever, I am 5'11" and weight in at 240 lbs. with according to my fancy new scale 33.6% body fat. I know I have low T because a doctor tested me and put me on test. But that didn't seam to do anything to help with sex drive (that was the problem I was trying to fix at the time). I also know my doctor was always concerned because my body seamed to like to turn the test she was giving me into estrogen.

I do know the answer here get off my lazy ass and get in shape! But I don't like gym's I never have. I don't like working out, cardio is some boring &*^ %$^#, and I don't like my body being sore all the time.

I need help with things I can do to get the most bang for my time now that I have decided I do need to do the work and I am going to do it. But I do want help. I do want to cheat a little......

This is what I have agreed I am going to do and have already started doing.
I got a personal trainer, I am with him helping me. Going to start at going through a BuiltLean 8-Week Program. And I have started eating good clean food and stayed under a 1,933 calorie per day budget for 1 week now.

So my question is what can and should I do the cheat with my fat lose goals?

Welcome to adrenaline rush brother... I am VERY pleased to hear that not only are you really trying to take control of your life and get into the right condition but also that you listened to the videos and what was said and did the right thing... You are a million miles from gear use right now and gear is not going to make you lose that kind of weight whatsoever... thats not even close to how its supposed to be used nor by anyone in such shape... HOWEVER, you most certainly can knock this weight off at a rapid pace bro...

I know you may hate cardio but that's the key to dropping your weight... you need to get that going in one form or another... you don't have to just run etc... try the elliptical, steppers, bikes, pool etc... there's a million methods of cardio but you need to implement it in some way... you obviously need to clean up your diet which you are well aware and working on...

You can use sarms to aid in your fat loss and to help still hold muscle in the process... if your not familiar, watch some of my videos and read my articles at I have an abundance of writeups there for you to educate yourself with... take some time to learn and then let me know and i'll get you set up on a nice stack to aid with your intended goals...

welcome home brother!
Welcome to the forum. First off, you are in the right place. Plenty of knowledge here. In my opinion, having a high B/F count and adding testosterone to it is just a bad thing for estro to skyrocket. I think the leaner you are, the less apt you are to have gyno problems.
So you need to stop crying about not wanting to do the cardio shit. (sry, but I gutta use some tough love on ya) :D
Get your B/F down first. Hit the weights to get back into shape, and then use some sauce. But educate yourself first.

i'm not going to try to jack your thread with my link, but I'm 51 and I did this, so you can to. Let this be a lil inspiration to you that you can do it brother.
No need to read the whole thread, sns gets mushy on me, but just look at the pics. You came to the right place for info, now ask and read all you want, and just do it.

First off thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. You are now my support group! According to my work out plan I was in need of one.

I have done some of the things you all have suggested. I got the Loseit app about a week ago and really like it. So far I have been staying under the budget it set for me. And I have been keeping my Calories all in the 30% range. For instance at the end of today (still need to drink my Casein shake in 45 mins. I will be at 1,721 calories 212 under budget, 31% 59g from fat (avocado), 35% 150g Carbs (all good no sugar, white bread), 34% 144g Protein. Is this good (me keeping everything in the 30's)? I also have some questions like at a budget of 1,933 won't that have to rise once I become active? It seams to me this is a number for a person that doesn't do much. And do I need to worry about my body going into "starvation mode" ? I usually end my day 200-500 calories under budget.

I also downloaded eat this not that. I think this will help me out there. My job is a lot of out of town driving. I am a Manager/Sales Texas Oil and Gas. And I have downloaded JeFit but with a personal trainer I doubt I will get much out of that one.

Also I just want you all to know. I am in, please don't take me saying I don't like something as me saying I won't do it. You don't have to like something that you do. I need to do it I am going to do it. My hope is that once I start to see results. It will become more enjoyable. But either way it just needs to be done and that is all there is to it.

I will read and watch the things you all posted and get back with you. I think I will also start another thread with my user name on it and make it like a little text blog with updates and progress. I think that would be good, it should make it where I have people to answer to (support group) and people to help/cheer me on. Do you all think this would be a good idea? And where should I put this thread if you do?
Welcome to Adrenaline Rush! You've come to the right place, and we would love to get you on track to being exactly who you want to be, and feeling much better about yourself.

I really hope you can embrace a much healthier active lifestyle, and be willing to do the things necessary to achieve that. Being put on TRT helps, but is not the answer to everything. Simply eating better and dropping bodyfat will help tremendously with the way you feel and increase your sex drive. It's not improved now because of your shape and lifestyle. Your body will aromatize more testosterone into estrogen when you are out of shape as well.

We are here to motivate you and support you. If there's anything we can do to help just let us know, and we will do everything we can. Welcome to our family here!
Once you start seeing results, your motivation should sky rocket. Take plenty of pics of your self. To look back on.
Epson Exile said:
First off thank you for taking the time to reply to my post. You are now my support group! According to my work out plan I was in need of one.

I have done some of the things you all have suggested. I got the Loseit app about a week ago and really like it. So far I have been staying under the budget it set for me. And I have been keeping my Calories all in the 30% range. For instance at the end of today (still need to drink my Casein shake in 45 mins. I will be at 1,721 calories 212 under budget, 31% 59g from fat (avocado), 35% 150g Carbs (all good no sugar, white bread), 34% 144g Protein. Is this good (me keeping everything in the 30's)? I also have some questions like at a budget of 1,933 won't that have to rise once I become active? It seams to me this is a number for a person that doesn't do much. And do I need to worry about my body going into "starvation mode" ? I usually end my day 200-500 calories under budget.

I also downloaded eat this not that. I think this will help me out there. My job is a lot of out of town driving. I am a Manager/Sales Texas Oil and Gas. And I have downloaded JeFit but with a personal trainer I doubt I will get much out of that one.

Also I just want you all to know. I am in, please don't take me saying I don't like something as me saying I won't do it. You don't have to like something that you do. I need to do it I am going to do it. My hope is that once I start to see results. It will become more enjoyable. But either way it just needs to be done and that is all there is to it.

I will read and watch the things you all posted and get back with you. I think I will also start another thread with my user name on it and make it like a little text blog with updates and progress. I think that would be good, it should make it where I have people to answer to (support group) and people to help/cheer me on. Do you all think this would be a good idea? And where should I put this thread if you do?

im thrilled to be a part of your support group brother and im sure the rest of the family is as well... you are now part of this family my man... we are all here to help you with anything you need to achieve your goals...

I tried your link and it didn't work. But I did find the site with the help of Google. It does seam like Sarms would be a good fit. I have always thought roids were overkill for what I wanted to do. But thought they were the only option. It is nice to find with your help a more middle of the road solution. I have read the articles and have watched your vids on youtube about Mk, S4, GW, and LGD. But being as this is my first shot at this I have some questions. First off with my primary goal of losing the body fat in mind should I be treating this as a cutting cycle or something different? Second it seams like the 2 main ones I want at this time for my goal is S4 and GW. If I am correct in this. Should I just get these two to save some money. Or should I be taking other stuff with them? As you can imagine there is a lot of up front cost to this with the personal trainer, clothes, equipment. So I am trying to save some money were I can. But I do not want it to negate all the other things I am spending money and time on.
Epson Exile said:

I tried your link and it didn't work. But I did find the site with the help of Google. It does seam like Sarms would be a good fit. I have always thought roids were overkill for what I wanted to do. But thought they were the only option. It is nice to find with your help a more middle of the road solution. I have read the articles and have watched your vids on youtube about Mk, S4, GW, and LGD. But being as this is my first shot at this I have some questions. First off with my primary goal of losing the body fat in mind should I be treating this as a cutting cycle or something different? Second it seams like the 2 main ones I want at this time for my goal is S4 and GW. If I am correct in this. Should I just get these two to save some money. Or should I be taking other stuff with them? As you can imagine there is a lot of up front cost to this with the personal trainer, clothes, equipment. So I am trying to save some money were I can. But I do not want it to negate all the other things I am spending money and time on.

Honestly, the best way for you to go in the most cost effective manner is the 12 weeks triple stack... there is a 4th of july sale coming but i'll see if i can get you the deal early on it so its more affordable for you... its a 12 week stack and its perfect for what your wanting to accomplish.. here is what the cycle looks like... sending you a PM as well...

1-12 Ostarine 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

Clomid 25/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
That looks good. I had already wrote that cycle down from some earlier research minus the daa.

Anyone looking at the above suggestion have some additional things to say? An endorsement of sorts...

Also I don't want to take away from one of my earlier posts. I asked some questions I could use the answers to and they have not been answered as of yet. The ones about my current diet......
Re: RE: Re: New Member Looking for Direction

Epson Exile said:
That looks good. I had already wrote that cycle down from some earlier research minus the daa.

Anyone looking at the above suggestion have some additional things to say? An endorsement of sorts...

Also I don't want to take away from one of my earlier posts. I asked some questions I could use the answers to and they have not been answered as of yet. The ones about my current diet......
I currently have a log going with a very similar cycle to the one laid out. The difference with mine being I'm using lgd instead of ostarine.

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Epson Exile said:
That looks good. I had already wrote that cycle down from some earlier research minus the daa.

Anyone looking at the above suggestion have some additional things to say? An endorsement of sorts...

Also I don't want to take away from one of my earlier posts. I asked some questions I could use the answers to and they have not been answered as of yet. The ones about my current diet......

I think Dylan's cycle suggestion is perfect for you. That's exactly the same thing I would recommend.

As for your diet, I would change the ratios a bit. I think 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat is a better ratio to follow. I also think your calories may be a bit low for someone your weight, but you are also not active at the moment. I think somewhere around 2000 total calories would be more suited for you, and probably even a little higher if you start up activity. You don't want to dip calories too low too quickly, or it can stall out and slow down your metabolism quickly
Epson Exile said:
Hello everyone,

Okay so I am out of shape and I have not worked out in years. I need to lose weight. I am older and have money so I am not held back in that regard. So I was thinking I would get some good ole gear to help me out. But I have received 2 red flags during my research. The first one was advice "don't try to bulk while your trying to lose" seams like good advice. But I defeated it by reading muscle mass burns more calories. Well that seams right also. So I cont. to read about gear and what to get ect ect. Then I run across Dylan Gemelli's you tube videos. After watching 5-7 of them on the gear I was looking into I came across a video "Are you ready for Steroids". Okay! Dylan message heard load and clear /slam on breaks! As per your video I am so not a good candidate for steroid exploration.

So here I am. I will give you a quick bio and hopefully you all can give me my options.
I am 40 years old, I have almost no sex drive what so ever, I am 5'11" and weight in at 240 lbs. with according to my fancy new scale 33.6% body fat. I know I have low T because a doctor tested me and put me on test. But that didn't seam to do anything to help with sex drive (that was the problem I was trying to fix at the time). I also know my doctor was always concerned because my body seamed to like to turn the test she was giving me into estrogen.

I do know the answer here get off my lazy ass and get in shape! But I don't like gym's I never have. I don't like working out, cardio is some boring &*^ %$^#, and I don't like my body being sore all the time.

I need help with things I can do to get the most bang for my time now that I have decided I do need to do the work and I am going to do it. But I do want help. I do want to cheat a little......

This is what I have agreed I am going to do and have already started doing.
I got a personal trainer, I am with him helping me. Going to start at going through a BuiltLean 8-Week Program. And I have started eating good clean food and stayed under a 1,933 calorie per day budget for 1 week now.

So my question is what can and should I do the cheat with my fat lose goals?

Welcome to the AR family! lots of great people here.
RickRock said:
Epson Exile said:
That looks good. I had already wrote that cycle down from some earlier research minus the daa.

Anyone looking at the above suggestion have some additional things to say? An endorsement of sorts...

Also I don't want to take away from one of my earlier posts. I asked some questions I could use the answers to and they have not been answered as of yet. The ones about my current diet......

I think Dylan's cycle suggestion is perfect for you. That's exactly the same thing I would recommend.

As for your diet, I would change the ratios a bit. I think 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat is a better ratio to follow. I also think your calories may be a bit low for someone your weight, but you are also not active at the moment. I think somewhere around 2000 total calories would be more suited for you, and probably even a little higher if you start up activity. You don't want to dip calories too low too quickly, or it can stall out and slow down your metabolism quickly

Extremely good point... There is a fine line between cutting calories and stalling metabolism... I see a lot of people say " I am only eating 1500 calories a day, why am I not losing weight?" They have put their body in starvation mode and slowed their metabolism down so much that they are unable to even bun fat at this point... You want to eat a deficit but not take it too far...
Yes I am concerned with the stalled metabolism. And I can't get enough info to try and figure out comfortably what to do about it.

Here is were my thoughts are currently:
At rest is easy to drop 2 lbs. per week i should be at 1,933-2,000 per day. If only everything was that easy to figure out. But then I have to add things like how many calories did I burn today (I didn't just sit in the chair and watch tv. I did something). What about how many calories I am going to be burning when I start doing cardio and strength training. Isn't that different for everyone by their pace and how they work out? How about that I have read about 10% of your calorie burn is from your body digesting the food you eat? Well 2 of my 5 meals per day are shakes so no burn there correct? And the list goes on and on.

I have read that you want to eat at a deficit no less then 20-25%. Or the chances your body will go into "starvation mode" are good.

I also was thinking if I got a fitness band that measures pulse it would give me a daily calorie burn based off heart rate. But I could find no examples were they actually worked that way.
Epson Exile said:
Yes I am concerned with the stalled metabolism. And I can't get enough info to try and figure out comfortably what to do about it.

Here is were my thoughts are currently:
At rest is easy to drop 2 lbs. per week i should be at 1,933-2,000 per day. If only everything was that easy to figure out. But then I have to add things like how many calories did I burn today (I didn't just sit in the chair and watch tv. I did something). What about how many calories I am going to be burning when I start doing cardio and strength training. Isn't that different for everyone by their pace and how they work out? How about that I have read about 10% of your calorie burn is from your body digesting the food you eat? Well 2 of my 5 meals per day are shakes so no burn there correct? And the list goes on and on.

I have read that you want to eat at a deficit no less then 20-25%. Or the chances your body will go into "starvation mode" are good.

I also was thinking if I got a fitness band that measures pulse it would give me a daily calorie burn based off heart rate. But I could find no examples were they actually worked that way.

You always figure maintenance based on activity levels etc.. There are plenty of calculators that factor in the type of training your doing, correlated with your height, weight, age, body fat etc... For example, my maintenance per day with all the working out i do daily is nearly 3700 calories per day... i cant even eat that much in a day.. so im pretty much always in a deficit of sorts... this is due to the high volumes of training i do daily... yours won't be that high but when factoring in activity levels, it will definitely be higher than 2000 per day... 250-500 calories at a deficit is good for what your trying to do
Just to make sure I am understanding this:

Let's say at rest I burn 2,000 calories per day. And I worked out and did some cardio that by my best guess burned 725 calories. Then on this example day I should have eaten somewhere around 2,375 calories to be at at 350 deficit?

What is out there to help people figure out how many calories they burned due to activity per day? Are there programs just like my calorie app that I can tell I swam for so long and worked out for so long and it will give me some idea of the calories burned?

Or here is a better question.... Am I looking to much into all this stuff and need to shut it, eat good clean food, do some cardio, work out, and stop sweating all this small stuff? hahahahahahahahaha
Epson Exile said:
Just to make sure I am understanding this:

Let's say at rest I burn 2,000 calories per day. And I worked out and did some cardio that by my best guess burned 725 calories. Then on this example day I should have eaten somewhere around 2,375 calories to be at at 350 deficit?

What is out there to help people figure out how many calories they burned due to activity per day? Are there programs just like my calorie app that I can tell I swam for so long and worked out for so long and it will give me some idea of the calories burned?

Or here is a better question.... Am I looking to much into all this stuff and need to shut it, eat good clean food, do some cardio, work out, and stop sweating all this small stuff? hahahahahahahahaha

yes and know... while its great to be very precise with everything your making it way harder than it needs to be... its exactly how you broke it down... you figure your TOTAL maintenance, not just what you burn sitting down all day and then you take off of that... its very simple... don't make it harder on yourself by overthinking...

here's an example calculator... or you can just type in calorie maintenance calculator in a google search... they are everywhere...
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