Hi everyone, I'm new to the forum and I'm happy to be part of it, I'm an Italian user so I apologize if some terms will be wrong.
Within 4 weeks I finish my reverse diet phase and start my bulk phase;
along with that I would like to start an integration plan and start my first SARM cycle;
I put you under some information and write you how I would like to proceed.
-81.5Kg - BF 13% (it will lower again until the end of reverse diet).
-The bulk phase will be with a surplus of 2100Kcal per week;
- As a food protocol I will do carb-cycling, and the protein content will be between 2.2g and 2.5g per KG;
-Training will be multi-frequency divided into 4 sessions + 1 cardio;
-8 weeks of volume accumulation;
-intensity regimens 65-75% 1RM and average range reps 10-15; (I will follow the guidelines of Dr. Mike Israetel)
-cardiac in stady mode to 65-75% of FCMAX;
-I have been training for 3 years and I'm an ex-obese; in the past I lost about 70kg;
With regard to integration, I will assume:
-MULTIVITAMINIC 2cpr per day;
-OMEGA 3 + EPA + DHA-3cpr per day = 3000mg omega3 - 620mg epa - 360mg dha;
-VITAMINE D3 - 6000 Ui
-CREATINE 10mg per day 5mg in the morning and 5mg pre workout, DAYS OFF only 5mg in the morning.
-ZINCO 30mg before going to sleep, (+ 10mg taken from multivitamin in the morning).
As for the SARM (first experience for me) I will do the following:
LGD 10mg daily in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast for 6 weeks;
Then I would start a PCT with normal calorie diet, I would use only one complete product for the common PCT I had thought of PCTrx in the recommended dose on the label for 4 weeks.
During the PCT as an integration I would only keep MULTIVITAMINIC and OMEGA 3, adding only
ASPARTIC ACID (D-AA) always in the recommended dose on the label.
What do you think? Opinions? Tips?
Thanks for the attention.
Within 4 weeks I finish my reverse diet phase and start my bulk phase;
along with that I would like to start an integration plan and start my first SARM cycle;
I put you under some information and write you how I would like to proceed.
-81.5Kg - BF 13% (it will lower again until the end of reverse diet).
-The bulk phase will be with a surplus of 2100Kcal per week;
- As a food protocol I will do carb-cycling, and the protein content will be between 2.2g and 2.5g per KG;
-Training will be multi-frequency divided into 4 sessions + 1 cardio;
-8 weeks of volume accumulation;
-intensity regimens 65-75% 1RM and average range reps 10-15; (I will follow the guidelines of Dr. Mike Israetel)
-cardiac in stady mode to 65-75% of FCMAX;
-I have been training for 3 years and I'm an ex-obese; in the past I lost about 70kg;
With regard to integration, I will assume:
-MULTIVITAMINIC 2cpr per day;
-OMEGA 3 + EPA + DHA-3cpr per day = 3000mg omega3 - 620mg epa - 360mg dha;
-VITAMINE D3 - 6000 Ui
-CREATINE 10mg per day 5mg in the morning and 5mg pre workout, DAYS OFF only 5mg in the morning.
-ZINCO 30mg before going to sleep, (+ 10mg taken from multivitamin in the morning).
As for the SARM (first experience for me) I will do the following:
LGD 10mg daily in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast for 6 weeks;
Then I would start a PCT with normal calorie diet, I would use only one complete product for the common PCT I had thought of PCTrx in the recommended dose on the label for 4 weeks.
During the PCT as an integration I would only keep MULTIVITAMINIC and OMEGA 3, adding only
ASPARTIC ACID (D-AA) always in the recommended dose on the label.
What do you think? Opinions? Tips?
Thanks for the attention.