
Hgh questions


New member
Hello, I hope you’re well. I stumbled on one of your YouTube videos about Hgh. I had some questions if you are able to help me out. I have serostim that i get from a friend but i think i am using it wrong because I’ve gained weight. Granted my diet and exercise has not been exactly the best, but i feel without the gh i wouldn’t have gained this much weight. I’ve also just opened a business going through stress but am finally settling into place back at my workouts and eating much better. I started off doing 1-2 units a day right upon waking up and waiting about a half hour to eat. Can you comment on diet and if carbs make that much of a difference? Like have they made me gain the weight being in gh even more ? I recently read that i should do 2 units in the morning then 2 units after a workout. I hope to start seeing results with this as i need to lose the 15-20 pounds that I’ve gained. Can you comment on timing and when to eat after. Any info you can give is appreciated. Thank you,
4 ius is far too much to be starting with... i believe you are likely adding water weight, which is common with hgh at first but you need to lower the dose to 2 ius per day... how old are you?
Thanks for the reply. I am 33. I started at 1-2 units for about 2 months and just bumped it up to 3-4 but split. I will scale back. I’m more confused about the timing and when it’s ok to eat after
I don't think it's a huge deal when you take it, but rather that you take it consistently at the time that works best for you side-effect wise. For me, shortly before bed works fine, but everyone is different. I think that it is also worth pointing out that gh isn't really going to be a magical weight loss solution as it is often marketed as by some clinics. Any weight loss benefits are going to take quite a while, and will likely not be profound. Given the cost of gh, if you are looking for quick and noticeable fat loss, you possibly might want to consider other weight loss alternatives like a sarms cutting stack.
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Serostim is very strong HGH. I can't do over 1ius without significant water retention. Not all HGH is created equal. Starting off at 4ius is absurd. Lower your dosage and find your sweet spot.
30 minutes before and after is fine to wait... thats not your issue.. hgh DOES NOT cause this kind of gain whatsoever... you are using too much and more than likely your diet is not that great
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