
Gtformula's tren, deca, test, dbol log.

damn son that's insane, the video didn't work for me the other day said it had been removed but i watched it today
damn son that's insane, the video didn't work for me the other day said it had been removed but i watched it today

When I transferred the video from my wife's phone to mine then to YouTube something went wrong and didn't work. Fixed it within an hour tho.

Thanks for the complement bro.
ya that is a nice lift at 197 i know i will never push that much

You never know. Keep working at it and if you really want it you can do it. I actually did it 100% natty at 26 also. I'm somewhat stronger than my size from what I realized lol. Until my back got worse I could squat 405 also.

Hit chest and arms like usual on Mondays. Went in and did a warm up of 10x225 then 10x315. I felt good and said fuck it and put on 405. Got 3 out of it. Might have gotten 1 more. As you can see in the video that my left side was weaker. It's from the disk in my neck. 2 years ago I lost a ton of power on my left side but luckily most came back. It's been bugging me lately and I'm sure that is why it was a little off. Oh well. I did the 3x405 and then another set of 225.

Then incline dumbell 3 sets 3x10 at 125.

Cable flies 3x20 at 25

Forearm curls 3x25 at 50

Preacher curls 3x20 at 50

Tricep cable pull downs with single handle 3x20 at 45

Was so pumped I was done lol.

Here is the video

Watch "Gtformula" on YouTube

your a BEAST brotha!! Keep killin that shit!
You never know. Keep working at it and if you really want it you can do it. I actually did it 100% natty at 26 also. I'm somewhat stronger than my size from what I realized lol. Until my back got worse I could squat 405 also.

Ya man my back won't allow me to go too heavy on squats either. My back has improved a lot but I still don't ever go over 315 on squats and just do more reps
My lower back and neck have been bothering me lately so I've been avoiding stuff that can hurt the discs worse. Oh well. Can't do anything about it.
With the tren deca and test, it was just not needed and probably over the top. I recognized it and took it out. Safety first ;)
how do you see the deca and tren complimenting eachother? is there some sort of synergy? I dont know much about stacking two 19NOR's so Im asking, and I always thought tren would over power deca. Other than that you're becoming an OX man keep it up.
how do you see the deca and tren complimenting eachother? is there some sort of synergy? I dont know much about stacking two 19NOR's so Im asking, and I always thought tren would over power deca. Other than that you're becoming an OX man keep it up.

I not sure if they are complementary or not for sure. But it seems I'm getting best of both worlds. I'm staying pretty dry. Not holding much water. Gaining some strength. Gym aggression is good. So far other than some back pumps I'm not seeing any downside. I'm not sides prone tho from what I've seen. I have gained only a few pounds which is my goal. Not bloating at all. Oh and my wife said she thinks my hair may be thinning in the back since starting this. So that might suck if true.

If you need to ask questions feel free. I'm here to help as much as I can.
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