Hey y’all. Here is a question I’m going to get A LOT of hate for. Which I deserve so feel free to get mad, but someone has to ask it.
I have just finished a 2 month bulk stack, went from 91kg->100kg, here are some before and afters; (height is 174cm or 5ft 8.5)


The bulk stack was as follows;
400mg tren enth/wk
750mg test sust/wk
Mk677 (mostly to enable more food down the hatch) @25mg/d
Hgh @4iu 4 days a week.
Fairly happy with the results, especially the strength. Flat Bench went from 140 for 3 to 140 for 10, and 160 for 2 to 160 for 5 and a 1rm of 180!
I have to get this off my chest. I have been ON for the past 7 months. 3 bulk months, 2months cut, and now 2 months bulk. I don’t do pct. I don’t do trt (although I was on trt 200mg/wk prior to the past 7 months) I don’t rest. 6x/wk training and relentless force feeding/ dieting when on cut with 1hr daily cardio.
This was my physique prior to all that-

I have big ambitions of one day stepping on stage and doing my best. If it’s not obvious willing to sacrifice it all for this. A life without bodybuilding is a life not worth living for me. I have now stopped and am taking a mandatory 8 weeks off.
What are y’all thoughts on bieng ON always. It’s seemingly impossible to find out what the big name bodybuilders are doing (except the lying ones like Lee Priest that say 400mg test and 20mg Winnie hahaha like wtf in what universe) are they always on? Any experience from y’all on doing this? My main concern (outside the health obviously) is the tolerance build up, leading to my gains diminishing… is it really that profound, will I make more gains bieng always on or taking 8 week breaks here and there.
I’m ready for the hate, I deserve it

I have just finished a 2 month bulk stack, went from 91kg->100kg, here are some before and afters; (height is 174cm or 5ft 8.5)


The bulk stack was as follows;
400mg tren enth/wk
750mg test sust/wk
Mk677 (mostly to enable more food down the hatch) @25mg/d
Hgh @4iu 4 days a week.
Fairly happy with the results, especially the strength. Flat Bench went from 140 for 3 to 140 for 10, and 160 for 2 to 160 for 5 and a 1rm of 180!
I have to get this off my chest. I have been ON for the past 7 months. 3 bulk months, 2months cut, and now 2 months bulk. I don’t do pct. I don’t do trt (although I was on trt 200mg/wk prior to the past 7 months) I don’t rest. 6x/wk training and relentless force feeding/ dieting when on cut with 1hr daily cardio.
This was my physique prior to all that-

I have big ambitions of one day stepping on stage and doing my best. If it’s not obvious willing to sacrifice it all for this. A life without bodybuilding is a life not worth living for me. I have now stopped and am taking a mandatory 8 weeks off.
What are y’all thoughts on bieng ON always. It’s seemingly impossible to find out what the big name bodybuilders are doing (except the lying ones like Lee Priest that say 400mg test and 20mg Winnie hahaha like wtf in what universe) are they always on? Any experience from y’all on doing this? My main concern (outside the health obviously) is the tolerance build up, leading to my gains diminishing… is it really that profound, will I make more gains bieng always on or taking 8 week breaks here and there.
I’m ready for the hate, I deserve it