
3 day tuna regiment

store brand as well.. no chicken of the sea for me...

store brand tuna and tren,

Bro you want me to get pops to send you a case of 100? $12.50 in costa rica. Cheapest meal aound. How about buy in bulk at a Sams or Costco?
Well the final tally is 8lbs lost. Today will be filled with eggwhites and chicken. I look leaner feel good and ready to go.all in all it actually wasn't that bad. I'll be doing this again.
I opened a can of tuna tonight and my first thought was "what the fuck did they can?!?!" I swear it was 90% skin. At least that's what I thought it was. Really no way to tell. But it definitely made it hard eating the other cans I had opened. I pitched that one. Ugh

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im on board for this shit man. I am in pct right now with mk and gw is that still ok? I fasted for 10 days while I was in Afghanistan and ill tell you it is amazing how much shit is in your body and my BO was horrible and really how much time we actually think about food or planning for food or meals my mind was so clear but I haven't done it since then but you never know maybe one day again. but I can do some tuna and water I am pretty sure I can
im on board for this shit man. I am in pct right now with mk and gw is that still ok? I fasted for 10 days while I was in Afghanistan and ill tell you it is amazing how much shit is in your body and my BO was horrible and really how much time we actually think about food or planning for food or meals my mind was so clear but I haven't done it since then but you never know maybe one day again. but I can do some tuna and water I am pretty sure I can

fasted for 10 days? dang thats rough..and yeah i am on board for this too, in the near future i will run a 3 day tuna
this diet sounds fishy to me D:

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I've done similar many times, yet was using whey isolate too. Still worked damn well. Tuna and whey lol

Edit: Also, make sure to eat some sort of potassium on this diet, preferable spinach since it's so low in calories it shouldn't hurt your progress.
Just bought a shit load of tuna from the grocery store last night. Ready to rock and roll! How much tuna is one supposed to eat? I weigh in @ currently 183....
Well take your body weight × 1.5 gm 200#s is 300 grams of protein...divide into six meals. Just figure how many grams per pouch do the math and enjoy!
If you were doing a cut and was already in a calorie deficit and wanted to try the 3 day challange would you do it then just slowly adjust back to the calories you were at before hand meaning not immediately jump back up but slowly add the fats and carbs back in till your back to were you were?

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This 3 day tuna regimen. .ok for women? Jake or drb any of the ladies in your life try this? If ok for a woman should anything be tweaked?

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