
Bloodwork results


What’s up guys. I just got my bloodwork back and my liver values came back elevated. Ran a cycle 3 months ago and incorporated dbol. It wasn’t my first cycle but was my first time running an oral so I suspect it is the reason. I ran cycle support but I guess dbol won. Could you guys please recommend a supplement stack and dose protocol I can use to detox/repair my liver. Thanks guys. Never had bad liver values before so I guess orals are a no go for me.
I see that another guy asked pretty much same question couple posts down but just wanted to get a direct answer for myself. Thanks guys
You said it's because you took orals. If you used them as injection do you think it would have been different?
You said it's because you took orals. If you used them as injection do you think it would have been different?

I’m not educated enough to give you an exact answer on that. I’m unsure if injectable dbol is less hepatotoxic than oral. that’s a question I’d direct towards a more veteran member on here to get a precise answer.
Injectable orals skip the first pass through the liver but that's the extent of the difference thus making it slightly safer. After that's it's all the same still toxic.
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