
beginner needs help


New member
Wanting to begin my first cycle.

24% body fat

looking to cut, more energy, not looking for anything unrealistic. Looking for a headstart.

I am pretty sure I want to dip my toe in the water. I know I am going to get bombed here.
Wanting to begin my first cycle.

24% body fat

looking to cut, more energy, not looking for anything unrealistic. Looking for a headstart.

I am pretty sure I want to dip my toe in the water. I know I am going to get bombed here.
Training inconsistent and you want to use steroids? Not to mention the fact that your bodyfat is extremely high.

There's no way anyone is going to recommend steroids to you
Ehhhh... I'm not gonna blast you too much as at 50yo 24% aint bad by normal guy standards, BUT if you train consistently and better your eating habits you can fix that to a better number. At 50 I'm not expecting a magically low number as some idiot TRT doc will gladly put you on test cyp for the $$$. I'd say, just by my being a moron, that if you can get to 17-18% thru training better and tightening a belt loop or two you might be good to go for low dosage run. The additional hormones would assist getting you to 15% unless you just eat like a slob. However you'd be better off listening to RR as I previously stated I'm a bit of a fucking moron.
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Ok. When I say I am inconsistent, I really mean I fell off the wagon. My plan is 3 gym days a week. 2 hours each day. Low carb (keto) 1800 calories. I am 50 and probably lower T as it is. Not looking for ripped or much mass for that matter. Looking to cut and get stronger. I want the other benefits from roids as well. Sex drive improvement and sense of well being. Any ideas?
Don't get discouraged Jessiejamesnj. All these guys mean well and are only looking out for your personal safety. Hell, I'm 55 and wanting to do a basic test cycle but most here advise against it, so I am inclined to listen to those who know this subject inside and out and by no means in 44YOGearHead a fucking moron but he is humorous at times!, Seriously...these guys know their shit. After all...that's why you and I are both here. Have you looked into SARMS?
1800 is extremely low.

By old guy standards, your BMR is 1900c, adda 300cal workout, you have 2200c basic requirement. 400cal under is abit extreme unless you are truly cutting, I'd try 200c deficit first.
That will catobolize much less muscle
Really appreciate the advice. I guess I'm thinking that 200 calories isn't that much (2 1/2 eggs) 1800 calories is a challenge to stick with for any length of time.
Ok, I appreciate the help. Please do recommend a Sarms stack. How long is that recommended before I could start a straight forward simple Test cycle?
Ok, I appreciate the help. Please do recommend a Sarms stack. How long is that recommended before I could start a straight forward simple Test cycle?
ideally you want to be in the 12-13% range bro... i will help you with a sarms cutting stack... here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout.... (discount page)

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Ok, I appreciate the help. Please do recommend a Sarms stack. How long is that recommended before I could start a straight forward simple Test cycle?

You are just a few years older than I am. Just want to let you know there is not really a straight forward simple test cycle. Using hormones takes a lot of work. You have to be a forward thinker and be prepared. You have to monitor yourself closely or you can end up in a world of hurt. Blood work is a must do. Having everything on hand prior is a must. AI, complete PCT, proper diet, proper exercise and a lot of self discipline. It may be just a single compound but it's not a simple process. Make sure to do a lot of research here before you jump on. Just something to think about.
Really appreciate the advice. I guess I'm thinking that 200 calories isn't that much (2 1/2 eggs) 1800 calories is a challenge to stick with for any length of time.

Im 65yo 5'10" 190lbs single digit in and day out I eat 1950 calories...I gain weight (fat) at 2200 calories

It's more about the type of calories than the need to find the right balance of macro's for YOUR body
CARDIO IS A MUST !!! diet without constant cardio is just spinning your a low calorie intake without cardio your weight loss will stall out
Im 65yo 5'10" 190lbs single digit in and day out I eat 1950 calories...I gain weight (fat) at 2200 calories

It's more about the type of calories than the need to find the right balance of macro's for YOUR body
CARDIO IS A MUST !!! diet without constant cardio is just spinning your a low calorie intake without cardio your weight loss will stall out
i completely agree.. this is spot on... its all about YOUR body... i do the same thing as buen... i know the threshold... my body defies science... i eat a HUGE deficit yet still gain size.. with the amount of workload i have daily, my maintenance is fucking stupid... i could never dream of eating in a day but i know the type of nutrients to eat, even if my calories are low, to still add size and yes, cardio is a must.. it truly is...
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