
beginner steroid cycle


New member
I am beginner bodybuilder who has experience with SARMS.... LGD 4033 and am currently starting a stack of rad140 lgd4033 mk677 and yk11 coming up in April....

I guess my question is.
what would be a good beginner steroid cycle for someone who is looking bulk.......
Also, what would be a reliable source for buying them and I would like to use some sort of MoneyGram or Cash App...
my view is different than most guys I say there's no such thing as a beginner steroid cycle.
so many people will say run tests only as if it's a safe steroid stack and it's not. You can actually blow out HPTA and end up with bitch tits from a test only cycle lol.

when you use steroids treat it like something extremely serious and never as a beginner you should be Advanced already before you touch them
I am beginner bodybuilder who has experience with SARMS.... LGD 4033 and am currently starting a stack of rad140 lgd4033 mk677 and yk11 coming up in April....

I guess my question is.
what would be a good beginner steroid cycle for someone who is looking bulk.......
Also, what would be a reliable source for buying them and I would like to use some sort of MoneyGram or Cash App...
go to Umbrella
2 compounds max... Test n a mild side effect...

Gotta be able to pick up side effects... we all react differently.

Test only safest bet...
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