
Hi All


New member
Hi Everyone,

First of all Id like to thank you all for creating this place, its a heaven literally for newbies like me, so much info in one place and a helpful community as Ive seen through this forum.
Got here from youtube And Dylan seems like a proper guide through a very scary forest.

Let me Introduce myself.
I am 36years old 190cm 89KG.

Doing mostly cardio for the past 2.5 years now I also hit the gym only twice a week, as I had some overweight issues before that, I was 134KG took me a long time but now my Body is craving for some gains.

Done all my blood works and a dozen other tests and Im fit as an ox accoerding to my new physician.

I moved just recently North of EU , and have about 4 months until my family joins me, and as it happens I have a lot of free time for the gym and cycling till then.

Ive been reading and reading quite a lot and I would like some assistance or a guidance as I want to start my first cycle.

My goal is, well get as much as I can muscles and keep them.

I have a nutritionist at hand for the diet (a pal) amd the place I work i basically get 2 meals a day whatever I want off the meny, and theres plenty of fish around here.

I am not so much into oral hate pills and I dont mind needles at all ...I hope.

Now I Found some ready to be bought cycles need some advice.
P.S. (no idea if this is the right sub forum as I am on my phone so please correct or move this thread)

Thank you
Just started going to the gym and going 2x a week?

You have a long way to go before AAS.
No, been hitting the gym for the past 2 years and a half, and yes I do it only twice a week.
I do about 15-20KM a day 5 days a week xept those days where I hit the gym.
I run half and walk half of it.
welcome to isarms bro... im glad your here because you do need help... you are getting way ahead of yourself my man.... you should not even be considering steroids right now... you have to get in real work and get your body to start achieving its potential, which you are nowhere near... i know its not what you want to hear but if you want to do this right and safe then you definitely should listen...
Glad to have you here with us bud, but you are nowhere near ready for steroids. There are other options like sarms available to you which we'd be more an happy to help you with
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