
Stacking sarms with test?


New member
Currently cruising on 200mg/ week test cyp, .25mg adex EOD and was thinking of Trying out sarms. I have a bottle that contains 50mg arimistane, 50mg 5a hydroxy laxogenin, 20mg ostrine, and 10mg lgd 4033 per serving. Would this be ok to run with the test?
do not use that shit man... why in the world would anyone make a blend of sarms that has an ai in there when sarms do not convert to estrogen? thats a HUGE red flag... DO NOT use that... yes, sarms go great with test, if you actually have sarms but you would never use any kind of "blend" of sarms to begin with...
There's a store in Milwaukee called Elite Nutrition that sells products just like these; claiming to be SARMS. Even bottles containing 3 esters, which are clearly prohormonal. Huge red flag
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