
Reversing changing side effects as we age ?


I have noticed
That i start having sleeping problems using tren ace however i never had any sleeping issues using tren ace before
Furthermore, EQ never did lower my E2 Estradiol, but now it does.
Is this common ? As we age, we can get side effects we never had before with the same drug compound ?
if that’s not the case perhaps, i m possibly using fake gears ?

If that’s the case ( as we age, we can get new side effects ) does it ever happen in favorable ways ? As we age, we start not having side effects we used to have with the same compound ?

Thank you
Have a good one !
our bodies changes we get older that's extremely normal that's why you have to consistently change things up
Of course our bodies do change
but make sure your gear is what it says it is. para pharma is legit
our bodies definitely change over time your estrogen can definitely be more of an issue or less
OF COURSE things will hit you harder the longer you use them and the older you get.. its not like your body is some sort of wolverine type body where it just recovers back to normal.. you cannot just put your body through cycle after cycle, ESPECIALLY with things like tren and not expect to have it get damaged along the way.. it get wrecked over time, no matter what amount of protection or ancillaries you use... thats why i chose to stop running steroid cycles, because ultimately what is the point? you are shortening your life span and tanking your long term quality of life especially when you run harsher compounds
Absolutely your body can and will change and not be bake to handle things the same way even if you were able too in the past. My body can’t handle intense cycles of gear anymore and seems like I’m constantly finding out new things my body isn’t able to handle anymore. I take a lot of supplements to combat my changing body and might be something you should look into.
One of the reasons i made this post was
About 6 months ago eq did nothing on my Estradiol. With test e 400 eq 500 EOD AI aromasin put me in middle ideal range of my Estradiol but now ?…
Even with test e 1200 eq 385 NO AI at all put my estradiol in 19 (still in range but very low)
This change was so dramatic to me that
I wanted to ask people’s opinions here
I got it
Thank you !
I guess more frequent bloood work is really needed to combat this issue
Because i cant safely guess my level based on previous history.
Yes ypu will not always react or respond the same. some sides will be there at times and others it won't. Our bodies are always changing and so is our bodies response
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