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Hi Dylan.How are you.Only like say I love your you tube video.I think you are very busy person but maybe you can help me with my quastion if you will find feew min for me.
Im training and lifting weight for 29 years now.
Im 42.Last year my spine (back) start give lots of pain.I was not lifting somthing heavy.Nothing like this.I go sleep and pain was there.I never feel somthing in my life before.I was taking lots pain killers and some tablets for the nerve pain.MRI show some bulding disk.The problem was normal pain killer was not working for me .Only the pils for nerve pain.I was in hospital 2 time and they give me spinal injection(cortisol and epidural).no help at all.i was reading about hgh and benefits.Bicouse I was so desperate I manage to buy Genotropin pfizer pen.I start to take this and after feew weeks my pain almost gone.I know is ther but was like 90 procent better.I was taking only around 2 iu per day.I stop even taking my gabapentine medicine for nerve pain.I fee so good.The main think I can still train .Not heavy but feel the pump again and do lots cardio .
Whaen I was doing my blod test my liver enzymes ALT was high.Was high since I remeber.Not crazy high but more like normal range.Normal range 56 my was around 100.all the other blood test was normal.Other liver enzymes ok ,kidney ok,tharoit hormones ok.
When I happen with my back I stop training for 3 weeks and I took lots painkillers and pils and my liver enzymes(ALT first time ever was normal range.)
I taking hgh since 3 months now and my ALT high again.Im taking 2 iu everyday.I like to know your opinion.I hopeing you can help me.I bought some TUDCA and start to taking now.I still have 1 pfizer pen left.Do you think my ALT enzyme is little bit hgh bicouse Hgh or bicouse maybe was always high when I train and taking somthimes preworkout and bcaa.Im really don’t wont to stop hgh now.First time since 1 year I can train and Im almost pain free and happy again.But don’t wont to harm my liver.I like to know what do you think about this.I was thinking to take tudca and hgh and after one months check liver panel again.I like to know your opinion about hgh and liver enzymes.
Im sorry for so much writing but i have nobody to ask and you always expert to me.Maybe you can give me advice.Thank you so much for your help.
Ps So sorry if i make some mistakes.English is not my first language.
Your liver enzymes are likely high because you are using painkillers. And they don't have to be heavy duty opiates to cause damage. Tylenol can potentially destroy your liver, and Advil or Motrin will do the same to your kidneys. I don't know what's your specific question for Dylan but in my humble opinion, resistance training might be a thing for you to avoid, provided you have a spinal condition and are taking gabapentin for nerve pain.
You don’t understund.When I stop training for 3 weeks and was taking lots painkillers my liver
Enzymes was in range first time ever.My quastion was about hgh.How gh can affect your liver enzymes.Thank you for any answer.
By having increased amounts of GH hormone in your body for extended periods of time, it may force your liver to operate at high levels creating glycogen.
At some point, this will have to be released into the bloodstream, causing increases in blood sugar levels, leading to increased levels of insulin. This domino effect is evidence that you should increase GH production intermittently so as to give your liver, and other internal organs, a rest.

what painkillers were you taking?
Gabapentin.But is not painkiller.Nothing feew months before my blood test.Only hgh.My liver enzymes was always high since I remember.But lifting sice years and lots cardio.
Gabapentin is anticonvulsant/anti-epileptic drug used to treat a range of conditions, among them nerve pain. Painkiller, by definition, is a substance used to treat pain. Look it up.
Have you been medically cleared to do resistance training with weights? You suffered a spine injury for God's sake.
Brother in law (orthopedic surgeon) has read this thread and recommends reassessment of bulging disk since epidural corticosteroid injections are intended in most cases for temporary relief of symptoms as a last resort prior to surgery.
Brother in law (orthopedic surgeon) has read this thread and recommends reassessment of bulging disk since epidural corticosteroid injections are intended in most cases for temporary relief of symptoms as a last resort prior to surgery.
then that is definitely what should be done... thats PROFESSIONAL advice... i would highly recommend listening
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