
Planning next cycle


Active member
So I realize I'm still on my first cycle and im not rushing, ill pct correctly and take the appropriate time off.just sitting at work thinking a little. I know people run deca on their second cycle. What about a low dose of trestolone acetate. I know it's a nandrolone also. Pharma sent me some free. Thoughts? Would this be too harsh for a second run? Of course I'd have caber on hand. Thinking like 200 test cyp and 150 trestolone/ week.12-14 week run
I believe its been compared to tren but not as harsh. I guess kind of a step down. Pharma gave me enough to run a low dose cycle for free. I don't have enough info on it yet, that's why I'm posting this.

I just read that trestolone is 10x more powerful than test,so would a test base be required? I also read because of this estrogen conversion is more this true?
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So I realize I'm still on my first cycle and im not rushing, ill pct correctly and take the appropriate time off.just sitting at work thinking a little. I know people run deca on their second cycle. What about a low dose of trestolone acetate. I know it's a nandrolone also. Pharma sent me some free. Thoughts? Would this be too harsh for a second run? Of course I'd have caber on hand. Thinking like 200 test cyp and 150 trestolone/ week.12-14 week run

no, this is not something i would use on a second cycle
what exactly do you want to know?

Well, I read it's 10x more potent than test, you don't get the sides of tren. Is this true? It is a nandrolone also correct? Just curious..also if the above is true I'm assuming it would definately be a low dose. I'll hang on to it but I love learning about these things.
Blends man, are just a, maybe good in theory concept, but not in practice....I'd much rather have complete control of what's going in at what exact dosage and if need be, dial up, dial down dosages, in order, to really hone in on the perfect dosage of different substances, for ME...bc everyone's body is being confined to a dosage, in all reality, is just not logical practice..

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