
Ostarine - 8 or 12 weeks? GW?


New member
Whats up guys, first post for me here. I ordered myself some Ostarine which I'm pretty excited for, but have seen mixed reviews with research. Everywhere else I look I have seen people recommend 6-8 weeks of Ostarine, but almost everywhere on this forum you guys are recommending 12 weeks. Can anyone elaborate why 12 weeks is so much more effective? I've read that MK2866 cuts your HDL in half. Any recommendations on the diet to keep cholesterol at safe levels?

Also, GW-50156 has caught my eye.. Looks like a great addition :). Should I be stacking GW with MK2866? Or should I wait until after?

Once my cycle is done, how long should I wait until I go back on?

Once I have all my questions answered and feel like I can do this as safe as I can, I'll do up a post with before/after pictures. I'm 5'8, 165p, 9% BF. I'm pretty shredded, but an athlete looking for more.

6-8 weeks is NOT a full cycle... gw501516 is the sarm for cholesterol... where are you getting your info bro??? its not good wherever you are getting it... mk2866 is peaking at week 8, so why would you stop at the peak? that makes no sense whatsoever.. your leaving a third of the cycle on the table and wasting the advancement gw can give you... .when you finish your cycle, you need 2-3 weeks off before you can start again... i would steer clear of wherever your getting your info because its basically all incorrect..

here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Whats up guys, first post for me here. I ordered myself some Ostarine which I'm pretty excited for, but have seen mixed reviews with research. Everywhere else I look I have seen people recommend 6-8 weeks of Ostarine, but almost everywhere on this forum you guys are recommending 12 weeks. Can anyone elaborate why 12 weeks is so much more effective? I've read that MK2866 cuts your HDL in half. Any recommendations on the diet to keep cholesterol at safe levels?

Also, GW-50156 has caught my eye.. Looks like a great addition :). Should I be stacking GW with MK2866? Or should I wait until after?

Once my cycle is done, how long should I wait until I go back on?

Once I have all my questions answered and feel like I can do this as safe as I can, I'll do up a post with before/after pictures. I'm 5'8, 165p, 9% BF. I'm pretty shredded, but an athlete looking for more.


There is a LOT of misinformation about sarms out there on the net that you have to be careful of. Dylan has been studying sarms for longer than most people have even heard of them and you won't find any better and more accurate information than what you get here.

Sarms are best ran a full 12 weeks because the benefits don't end at 4-6 weeks like oral steroids do. Oral steroids are highly anabolic and raise myostatin very quickly, plus they are liver 4-6 weeks is the norm. With sarms they don't carry any of those same health risks and won't wreck your lipids like steroids if you have the real deal legit sarms from

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for the quick reply boys. Dylan, you were saying GW is the Sarm for cholesterol, so I'm assuming you're saying stack GW with MK2866 because it lowers HDL?
Dylan, like Rick said, there is ALOT of misinformation about SARMS and I'm just letting you know what I've read bro. Thanks for the links! I just ordered my MK, but I think I'll order the GW now too. Question though, the mini PCT cycle has GW and "liquiclo". What is Liquiclo?

So you're saying stack MK2866 and GW510516 together and then you run Liquiclo and GW(again) which is a mini PCT? I want to make sure my test levels stay high, can I run a test booster?

Sorry bros, I'm a sarms rookie.
Dylan, like Rick said, there is ALOT of misinformation about SARMS and I'm just letting you know what I've read bro. Thanks for the links! I just ordered my MK, but I think I'll order the GW now too. Question though, the mini PCT cycle has GW and "liquiclo". What is Liquiclo?

So you're saying stack MK2866 and GW510516 together and then you run Liquiclo and GW(again) which is a mini PCT? I want to make sure my test levels stay high, can I run a test booster?

Sorry bros, I'm a sarms rookie.
Liquidclo is Clomid bro. You can run a test booster if you want. We recommend DAA ran the last 4 weeks of your cycle leading into pct

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Thanks for the quick reply boys. Dylan, you were saying GW is the Sarm for cholesterol, so I'm assuming you're saying stack GW with MK2866 because it lowers HDL?
Legit mk2866 should not negatively impact cholesterol, but gw does have very positive effects on cholesterol as well as other health benefits

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Ah gotcha. Thanks.

The last thing I'm confused about, Dylan said to run 1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day, but GW-510516 is also part of the PCT. Am I reading this right? Shouldn't my PCT be off of GW?
Ah gotcha. Thanks.

The last thing I'm confused about, Dylan said to run 1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day, but GW-510516 is also part of the PCT. Am I reading this right? Shouldn't my PCT be off of GW?

GW is not a hormonal substance. It does not mimic or replace any hormone and thus will not suppress any hormone. It is a very helpful addition to any cycle or PCT, or even as a stand alone. Are you getting your sarms from

PS. GW is not actually a SARM but it's a PED with minimal to no side effects and fits with sarms very well so people tend to just lump it in with sarms.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ah gotcha. Thanks.

The last thing I'm confused about, Dylan said to run 1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day, but GW-510516 is also part of the PCT. Am I reading this right? Shouldn't my PCT be off of GW?
loll brother, i have been designing these cycles for YEARS... i would not give you something that was wrong or would hurt you... GW is NON suppressive and NON hormonal... it can be ran 16 weeks at a time and by my math, your cycle with pct is 16 weeks... you need it in pct to control cortisol, which can destroy your gains and to keep your production levels to the highest extent in terms of output in your training...
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