Test C 500mg
EQ 400mg
Proviron 50mg
Week 1-4
Dbol 10mg
Third cycle
Want size remaining as lean as I can whilst enjoying the wonders of a off season any advice of dosing never used EQ what you lot think of it all replies appreciated
This stack seems fine as long as you have your, support ancillaries, AI. and PCT squared away as well. Keep in mind dianabol is liable to bloat you so you probably won't have a lean look while running that.
Off season goals right now put on as much size as I can safely Im not a heavy steroid user I always use the lowest dosages at first so I always have room to increase Im not expecting the world from EQ I ran test only and test Tbol cycles in the past and each time put over 5kg muscle indicated by the equipment I could source . So I have read a lot people start on 600mg EQ Ill alter it after I see how my body reacts maybe Im overly cautious as Im using new agents such as dbol also want to minimise any risks and I might switch to prop and run for 10 weeks is EQ still suitable for that period at 600mg cause its a slow release
thank you for advice and yes Aromisin as always and PCT