
Important! Cycle help


New member
Hey man,

Anyway, I finished with a DMZ-10 cycle 5 weeks back. I regret it because it suppressed me and brought me down to around 50 test. I finished a 4 week PCT with the following ingredients:

Arimistane 100mg
Testofen 300mg
Indole-3-carbinol 400mg
Mucuna pruriens 400mg
Stinging nettle root extract 1200mg
Safed musil 1000mg
Tongkat ali 200mg
N-Acetyl-L-Cyseteine 200mg
Black pepper 5mg.

I am very scared of suppression and shutdown after my last cycle. I never will go back to anabolic steroids and realize it was dumb. I was planning on starting an 8 week cycle of LGD, S4, and GW next week. I want to get bloods done to be safe before hand, but I feel like I should be good to go. Should I wait for my test to be 100% back to normal or would I be safe running this stack and running a PCT after it? My goal is recomp. I am 20, 6’7 , 218 pounds, and 16% bf. I am a D1 basketball player but am on off season so I won’t get tested. I am incredibly sexually active and fear my erection quality and libido will go down. I also fear permanent shutdown /suppression. Are there any sups I can on cycle to counter the loss of libido and erection quality and to make my recovery easier? Also, what would you recommend for my PCT? I plan on running Ostarine for the 4 weeks of PCT.

Would I be better off doing Ostarine, S4, and GW instead of the LGD, S4, and GW? I just fear the suppression the LGD brings, let alone the LGD stacked with the S4. My goals are recomp. I want to be 220 and have my body fat around 12%. Please get back to me. I appreciate it.
At your age and with your concerns I'd personally start with the triple stack of ostarine, s4, and GW
you definitely need bloodwork done because you didnt run anything close to a proper pct... you should never be using things like dmz or any steroid or prohromone at your age... i would not be worried about any stacks of anything until bloodwork is done man... you are getting in way over your head
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