I've been natural 'again' for 3+ months now, my HPTA has probably already recoverd as good as it could, but I'm going to be honest I didn't get my blood check, I don't have any information about my health other than how I feel (pretty okay) and how training feels (pretty okay too).
For my next cycle I am thinking about 90 days of ostarine @25mg/day without a test base (by choice, I had already taken testosterone in the past, less than a year ago actually). I guess this is doable/feasable (if not let me know).
Now my question is, if you have an idea for compounds I could take on top of this ostarine cycle -without a test base-, let me know!
I'm even thinking about doing a Men's Physique show at the end of this cycle... But just maybe (I already did 4 shows, twice in the Men's Phyique division only).
Have a good one

I've been natural 'again' for 3+ months now, my HPTA has probably already recoverd as good as it could, but I'm going to be honest I didn't get my blood check, I don't have any information about my health other than how I feel (pretty okay) and how training feels (pretty okay too).
For my next cycle I am thinking about 90 days of ostarine @25mg/day without a test base (by choice, I had already taken testosterone in the past, less than a year ago actually). I guess this is doable/feasable (if not let me know).
Now my question is, if you have an idea for compounds I could take on top of this ostarine cycle -without a test base-, let me know!
I'm even thinking about doing a Men's Physique show at the end of this cycle... But just maybe (I already did 4 shows, twice in the Men's Phyique division only).
Have a good one