
I NEED to buy sarms ASAP!


New member
What's up everyone! I did my first cycle with test prop and mast prop. I was already in great shape when I started, 6'2" 212 and about 6% body fat. I've been genetically blessed and competed at the highest level of football in the ACC in college and in the NFL. I started a cycle after advice from Dylan Gemeli and others on this board. I had gotten rhabdomyolosis from working out too hard and lost a lot of weight and strength by the time I was released from the hospital. Here's my issue.... I NAILED my pct.... I kept virtually all my weight I had gotten to around 230 and was 225 3 months after pct my bench was 440 on cycle I was hitting 425 3 months later. I used clomid, mk-2866 and gw-501516. I felt amazing! I misunderstood one of Dylan's videos and started using S-4 and LGD. It shut me down and I almost lost all my gains. I was forced to restart my cycle. Isarms says they would be available 6 days ago. What are my options? I appreciate all of the help and advice.
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