
Dbol and Mk 677 experiences?

i CLEARLY just said it causes a lot of water retention so yes, it will certainly cause more... bananas are NOT ideal whatsoever especially considering the high sugar and they are rated one of the worse fruits in terms of unwanted weight gain and are not really even in the top 10 for potassium rich foods.. i would cut those out
got it got it, will do
I don't like watery compounds so I don't use them and dbol is something I don't use due 2 estrogen conversion being high
lol, I know it sounds stupid asf but yeh 1 week... My first cycle I bought enough enclo for a 3 week PCT, but felt fine after two weeks, so I stopped after week two. Second cycle, I decided to fuck around and stop after one week and suprisingly felt fine. If I'm being real, I only felt suppression post cycle for like two days... IDK if this is TMI but my sexual "facilities" fully returned after like 3 days of PCT. I have enough enclo to support an extra 3 weeks for PCT in case, but I may discontinute it early depending on how I'm feeling... IK "how you're feeling" is an unreliable way of gauging test levels, but honestly, as long as I feel fine then im a happy camper. Diana has been a kind mistress to me, fortunetly.
that is interesting and be grateful may not be so easy in the future I would get bloods to confirm numbers
that is interesting and be grateful may not be so easy in the future I would get bloods to confirm numbers
yeh, I was very surprised. I expected the suppression from dbol-only to bad because everyone was shitting on me for it, but it wasn't bad or inconvenient at all. If I felt like shit I probs would have stopped PEDs after that first try. It was also relatively mild, just 25mg dbol and enclo. As I age, I probs won't bounce back as quickly tho...
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