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hey , just wanted to ask what is the best cycle for gyno prone and what dosage and what pct to run ?
mhmd said:
hey , just wanted to ask what is the best cycle for gyno prone and what dosage and what pct to run ?

how bad are we talking? what type of cycle? i would definitely go with aromasin however the dosing would be dependent upon the actual cycle bro... what have you ran in the past as well??
mhmd said:
hey , just wanted to ask what is the best cycle for gyno prone and what dosage and what pct to run ?

If you are gyno prone you would want to stay away from highly aromatizing compounds at higher doses. No high doses of test, no Dbol, Deca, NPP, or Tren. Something like a cycle with moderate test (300mg) with higher doses of EQ or primo would probably be good. Adding in an oral like Tbol, Anavar, or Winstrol to that would be good too.

Sarms are another great option because there is no aromatization to estrogen. There is no gyno risk at all with those and they give great gains.
It's all about prevention bro. If you are taking a good AI like Aromasin, you can negate unwanted side affects such as gyno.

If you run Tren and the others Rick mentioned above, you just want to add in Caber as well. Every 3rd day dose 5mg of caber in conjunction with the Aromasin.

Blood will be important so you have a baseline and understand how hormones effect you're body.
your going to need to stay away from NPP, Deca, Tren, Dbol, etc, etc.

winny, t bol, EQ, Primo, etc will all be decent options. But running a good, solid AI dose will keep you safe.....Like 25mg of stane ED or 1mg of dex.

also taking some B6 or adding masteron to your cycle too will only help.
gymrat827 said:
your going to need to stay away from NPP, Deca, Tren, Dbol, etc, etc.

winny, t bol, EQ, Primo, etc will all be decent options. But running a good, solid AI dose will keep you safe.....Like 25mg of stane ED or 1mg of dex.

also taking some B6 or adding masteron to your cycle too will only help.

I think that's a little harsh.. Lol... Npp,deca, and my fav tren always get a bad wrap... For me the combo of test and dbol always give me estrogen build up... Which is an easy fix.. Keep in mind I know what is causing the build up which is half the battle.. Now add tren and dbol deca and so on I have to figure out what the culprit is.. Big difference between pro lactin and estrogen causes and how to get rid of them or stabilize them with different compounds.. You need estrogen to build and testosterone.. Hormone balance is key.... Certain drugs do certain things and to take care of one you might be making another problem for your self.. Again if you don't know what does what then investigate so you don't have problems.. Preventive measures are key.. Info from forms is great but the stuff is in your body not someone else.. I find research is the answer to this question and the best one at that... Good luck hope this helps..
Sicasso said:
gymrat827 said:
your going to need to stay away from NPP, Deca, Tren, Dbol, etc, etc.

winny, t bol, EQ, Primo, etc will all be decent options. But running a good, solid AI dose will keep you safe.....Like 25mg of stane ED or 1mg of dex.

also taking some B6 or adding masteron to your cycle too will only help.

I think that's a little harsh.. Lol... Npp,deca, and my fav tren always get a bad wrap... For me the combo of test and dbol always give me estrogen build up... Which is an easy fix.. Keep in mind I know what is causing the build up which is half the battle.. Now add tren and dbol deca and so on I have to figure out what the culprit is.. Big difference between pro lactin and estrogen causes and how to get rid of them or stabilize them with different compounds.. You need estrogen to build and testosterone.. Hormone balance is key.... Certain drugs do certain things and to take care of one you might be making another problem for your self.. Again if you don't know what does what then investigate so you don't have problems.. Preventive measures are key.. Info from forms is great but the stuff is in your body not someone else.. I find research is the answer to this question and the best one at that... Good luck hope this helps..

everyone reacts different as you pointed out and even with the most intelligent mind in a field of study, there are always different reactions amongst users... none of this is 100% so trial and error is key... general protocols and general sweet spots are great to go off of as a starting point but learning about one's own body and reaction is key...
DylanGemelli said:
Sicasso said:
gymrat827 said:
your going to need to stay away from NPP, Deca, Tren, Dbol, etc, etc.

winny, t bol, EQ, Primo, etc will all be decent options. But running a good, solid AI dose will keep you safe.....Like 25mg of stane ED or 1mg of dex.

also taking some B6 or adding masteron to your cycle too will only help.

I think that's a little harsh.. Lol... Npp,deca, and my fav tren always get a bad wrap... For me the combo of test and dbol always give me estrogen build up... Which is an easy fix.. Keep in mind I know what is causing the build up which is half the battle.. Now add tren and dbol deca and so on I have to figure out what the culprit is.. Big difference between pro lactin and estrogen causes and how to get rid of them or stabilize them with different compounds.. You need estrogen to build and testosterone.. Hormone balance is key.... Certain drugs do certain things and to take care of one you might be making another problem for your self.. Again if you don't know what does what then investigate so you don't have problems.. Preventive measures are key.. Info from forms is great but the stuff is in your body not someone else.. I find research is the answer to this question and the best one at that... Good luck hope this helps..

everyone reacts different as you pointed out and even with the most intelligent mind in a field of study, there are always different reactions amongst users... none of this is 100% so trial and error is key... general protocols and general sweet spots are great to go off of as a starting point but learning about one's own body and reaction is key...

That is 100 percent correct....everyone is different... I find it necessary to defend the compounds that get a bad wrap when sides are an issue before they are even an issue.... The fact is everyone is different and the compounds mentioned are the ones that give you some of the best results... Tren specifically... Deca is amazing.. Npp fantastic... Another good alternative to caber Is pramipexole and even better in somecases..... I never hear that mentioned anymore and it's good stuff.... I have yet to see someone take tren who is in condition to take it and not fall in live with it.. Same with Deca.. 2 excellent compounds that get alot of bad hype.. Thanks Dylan for chiming in.. I like your approach and knowledge..
i know at least 25 guys who wouldnt take prami if you gave it to them for free. & no, i dont think its harsh at all.
Re: RE: Re: gyno

gymrat827 said:
i know at least 25 guys who wouldnt take prami if you gave it to them for free. & no, i dont think its harsh at all.
Prami can definitely have some nasty side effects, and its not exactly healthy to run. It's worth using legit caber for prolactin control in my opinion.
I'm dealing with gyno from Tren right now and it sucks. I think having a clear understanding of how your body reacts and getting blood work done is going to help prevent gyno situations big time. In my case I went with unknown source for caber and paying for it now.

I'm actually going to log a gyno protocol myself so we can really see what works and what doesn't. I'll also say that getting legit ancillaries is crucial. I'll actually be conducting this protocol using Bio Tech caber as well as other needs.

I highly recommend Bio Tech, as everything has worked great thus far!
9th Wonder said:
I'm dealing with gyno from Tren right now and it sucks. I think having a clear understanding of how your body reacts and getting blood work done is going to help prevent gyno situations big time. In my case I went with unknown source for caber and paying for it now.

I'm actually going to log a gyno protocol myself so we can really see what works and what doesn't. I'll also say that getting legit ancillaries is crucial. I'll actually be conducting this protocol using Bio Tech caber as well as other needs.

I highly recommend Bio Tech, as everything has worked great thus far!

200mg B6 2x ED w/letro @ a low dose or aromasin @ 25mg ED will do a lot.
Re: RE: Re: gyno

RickRock said:
gymrat827 said:
i know at least 25 guys who wouldnt take prami if you gave it to them for free. & no, i dont think its harsh at all.
Prami can definitely have some nasty side effects, and its not exactly healthy to run. It's worth using legit caber for prolactin control in my opinion.

Legit caber is the key nothing worse than taking something and it's bunk... That's why I suggested pramipexole... Not faked and works lol...
only thing that will get rid of gyno is surgery, to get the glands removed, once theyre removed then you will never get gyno agen, i wouldnt even bother with using anti es, as they wont work, unless you are a lucky fortunate, but if you have gyno, hard lumps, then theres nothing you can do to get rid of it, surgery is the only, i know alot of people want to hear that, but thats the only way, problem solved
It would have to be pretty bad to get surgery... A gyno protocol will reduce the symptoms dramatically.
Sicasso said:
DylanGemelli said:
Sicasso said:
gymrat827 said:
your going to need to stay away from NPP, Deca, Tren, Dbol, etc, etc.

winny, t bol, EQ, Primo, etc will all be decent options. But running a good, solid AI dose will keep you safe.....Like 25mg of stane ED or 1mg of dex.

also taking some B6 or adding masteron to your cycle too will only help.

I think that's a little harsh.. Lol... Npp,deca, and my fav tren always get a bad wrap... For me the combo of test and dbol always give me estrogen build up... Which is an easy fix.. Keep in mind I know what is causing the build up which is half the battle.. Now add tren and dbol deca and so on I have to figure out what the culprit is.. Big difference between pro lactin and estrogen causes and how to get rid of them or stabilize them with different compounds.. You need estrogen to build and testosterone.. Hormone balance is key.... Certain drugs do certain things and to take care of one you might be making another problem for your self.. Again if you don't know what does what then investigate so you don't have problems.. Preventive measures are key.. Info from forms is great but the stuff is in your body not someone else.. I find research is the answer to this question and the best one at that... Good luck hope this helps..

everyone reacts different as you pointed out and even with the most intelligent mind in a field of study, there are always different reactions amongst users... none of this is 100% so trial and error is key... general protocols and general sweet spots are great to go off of as a starting point but learning about one's own body and reaction is key...

That is 100 percent correct....everyone is different... I find it necessary to defend the compounds that get a bad wrap when sides are an issue before they are even an issue.... The fact is everyone is different and the compounds mentioned are the ones that give you some of the best results... Tren specifically... Deca is amazing.. Npp fantastic... Another good alternative to caber Is pramipexole and even better in somecases..... I never hear that mentioned anymore and it's good stuff.... I have yet to see someone take tren who is in condition to take it and not fall in live with it.. Same with Deca.. 2 excellent compounds that get alot of bad hype.. Thanks Dylan for chiming in.. I like your approach and knowledge..

of course brother... i love to share whatever i can and i also love to hear everyone else's prospective on things... i always learn from everyone else's experiences as well and its just good to share as much as possible...
gymrat827 said:
9th Wonder said:
I'm dealing with gyno from Tren right now and it sucks. I think having a clear understanding of how your body reacts and getting blood work done is going to help prevent gyno situations big time. In my case I went with unknown source for caber and paying for it now.

I'm actually going to log a gyno protocol myself so we can really see what works and what doesn't. I'll also say that getting legit ancillaries is crucial. I'll actually be conducting this protocol using Bio Tech caber as well as other needs.

I highly recommend Bio Tech, as everything has worked great thus far!

200mg B6 2x ED w/letro @ a low dose or aromasin @ 25mg ED will do a lot.

25mg aromasin a day seems like a lot. how bad does the gyno have to be for that geez
frank said:
only thing that will get rid of gyno is surgery, to get the glands removed, once theyre removed then you will never get gyno agen, i wouldnt even bother with using anti es, as they wont work, unless you are a lucky fortunate, but if you have gyno, hard lumps, then theres nothing you can do to get rid of it, surgery is the only, i know alot of people want to hear that, but thats the only way, problem solved

dude 30% of guys have it come back after going under the knife.
That gynos an odd thing there's a couple of guys at work that have it that don't even lift let alone take anything.ive taken plenty of dbol but at only 20mgs aday and nothing.I wonder whet dose puts you at a higher risk.seems test would be worse than dbol but from what I read that's not the case.
coalman said:
That gynos an odd thing there's a couple of guys at work that have it that don't even lift let alone take anything.ive taken plenty of dbol but at only 20mgs aday and nothing.I wonder whet dose puts you at a higher risk.seems test would be worse than dbol but from what I read that's not the case.

yeah i had problems with it when I was young 20s. I didn't take roids either, just ate and worked out. But it was only in my right nipple, to make it weirder..
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