

Re: RE: Re: gyno

SpikedEggnog said:
coalman said:
That gynos an odd thing there's a couple of guys at work that have it that don't even lift let alone take anything.ive taken plenty of dbol but at only 20mgs aday and nothing.I wonder whet dose puts you at a higher risk.seems test would be worse than dbol but from what I read that's not the case.

yeah i had problems with it when I was young 20s. I didn't take roids either, just ate and worked out. But it was only in my right nipple, to make it weirder..
I've had gyno for as long as I can remember. Growing up as a kid with gyno is probably the single hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life. It completely changed my childhood and has left me with many psychological scars. To this day, my fiancee has not even seen me with my shirt off. I'm planning on having surgery to remove it within the next year. Gyno is a terrible terrible thing that not only is a physical defect but it bares a psychological burden that those without it just cannot understand. I hope everyone on this board that does not have it will be sympathetic to those that do have it when they come across them.

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Re: RE: Re: gyno

ibleedoranbla said:
SpikedEggnog said:
coalman said:
That gynos an odd thing there's a couple of guys at work that have it that don't even lift let alone take anything.ive taken plenty of dbol but at only 20mgs aday and nothing.I wonder whet dose puts you at a higher risk.seems test would be worse than dbol but from what I read that's not the case.

yeah i had problems with it when I was young 20s. I didn't take roids either, just ate and worked out. But it was only in my right nipple, to make it weirder..
I've had gyno for as long as I can remember. Growing up as a kid with gyno is probably the single hardest thing I've had to deal with in my life. It completely changed my childhood and has left me with many psychological scars. To this day, my fiancee has not even seen me with my shirt off. I'm planning on having surgery to remove it within the next year. Gyno is a terrible terrible thing that not only is a physical defect but it bares a psychological burden that those without it just cannot understand. I hope everyone on this board that does not have it will be sympathetic to those that do have it when they come across them.

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Well said my man. Gyno is a problem that can happen to anyone. It can happen at an early age and you can fight it your whole life without doing anything to bring it on. I do sympathize with anyone that has to battle it. It's not an easy task or thing to deal with. Not everyone is fortunate enough to not have to deal with gyno.
200mg B6 2x ED w/letro @ a low dose or aromasin @ 25mg ED will do a lot.[/quote]

25mg aromasin a day seems like a lot. how bad does the gyno have to be for that geez[/quote]

25mg of aromasin a day is nothing compared to 2.5mg of letro a day.
That would sick no doubt.I went bald at 17 or 18.methul test I'm sure.all the girls in those days liked guys in hair bands.couldn't get laid in a who're house.things changed and now I have s hot wife and still cant get hang in there nobodys perfect.
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