
General enquiry on Gyno


New member
First of all thanks for your informative videos.
Some stats
age - 26 (been training for 8 years on and off.)
Height 5'9 ft inch
Weight 90 kg
Fat - 22%
I am all natural bodybuilder. I follow a good diet. Always have been thinking of running a cycle but I already have soft nipples and they are very sensitive. (Need suggestion on that)

I don't have any medical history. Been perfectly healthy since I was a born. Body type is meso.

I have showed my gyno to few surgeons. Different surgeons have different opinion on it. Some say it's gynecomastia and others don't.

According to my stats what cycle would you suggest?
I was planning on
500mg test e /pw
30mg dbol/pd 4 weeks
150 mg deca/ pw
Pct- from 3rd week
40 40 20 20

Cycle will go on for 10 weeks. My goal is to gain some muscle and stay lean at approximately 13% bf.( Will follow​ a good diet accordingly)

While during winter the nipples don't show up. But when it gets hot they get soft and poke out.
Do you think deca can affect it?
And any suggestions on cycle?
I am not a professional.
Thanks in advance. :)
I'd let one of the senior guys recommend a sarms cycle for you. If you have gyno already that cycle would definitely make it worse especially the dbol. I'd'wait till you lessened your body fat and have the gyno issue under control bro...take it slow and you'll get there

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Welcome to the board.

Going to be very blunt here; You do not follow a good diet if you weigh 198 pounds and are 22% body fat.

This is not a suggestion it's fact; no cycle or anabolics. Not now.

When "on and off" becomes "consistently on" and you fix the holes in your nutrition (and maybe training) games and address your gyno issue then maybe we can discuss AAS.
I think this answers my query. Due to some reason I was away from gym for 1 year.
Last year my bf was 14% and body weight was 84kg.
I'll get there naturally again. I'll try and decrease my bf to 15% again.
Thanks @marine1094 and @ez_e
I have been off from gym for 1 year that's why my bf shot up to 22%. Before that my bf was 14% at 84kg body weight.
Even at 14%bf my nipple was pokie and there was a soft area just around the nipple. ( More visible during summer)
I have a good training schedule. I train heavy.
ie. - deadlift - 450lbs - 2 reps
Legs 405lbs - 2 reps
Chest flat bench 225lbs - 5-8 reps
1st step would be to address your gyno issue.

2nd if your goal is to get leaner your training probably needs to change. Not sure what you mean by "legs 405 2 reps"

Unless you're Mark Henry bench press went out in the 80's

What's a typical day's diet look like?
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Haha my bad I meant squats by 405lbs and yes I stick to basics.
My training regime is I train 1 muscle per day per week.
Chest- day1
Back-day 2
Rest-day 3
Shoulders tricep-day 4
Legs-day 5
Bicep -day 6
Rest- day 7
Train for 5-6 days and take1-2 day off.

My diet from morning till evening looks like
8am - oats 50gm approximately, 1 apple or some other cittrus fruit
11am- 4 chapati, veg gravy, 5 egg whites 1 yellow.
3 pm- 2 chapati and 200 gm chicken breast.
5pm - 2 chapati or oats
7:30pm-9pm - I train
Then 25gm post workout protein

I take creatine 3 months on and 1 month off.
Take l carnitine and bcaa during workout.
I take almonds, fish oil, vit c,vit e,b complex.
Typically this is it.
you want to run a steroid when your body fat is that high, you likely have gyno and then on top of that you have a PURE SHIT pct and even worse, you are that much overweight and want to run dbol? bro, stop, seriously, just stop before you fucking destroy yourself... im not going to sit here and let you do something so ridiculous.... literally bro, if you paid me, i would not advise this to you in any way... you need to completely reassess... steroids are not used to drop your body fat 10% either man... please, stop this.. you have other options that are suitable for you and will help you but steroids are completely out of the question...
Yup I heard you Dylan brother. Not going to run any cycle any sooner and about me being over weight there is a lot of muscle and water also. First I'll drop my bf to 14-15% again
Then I'll come back here and I'll ask your suggestion. It's nice the way I see you are worried for people around you.
Thanks and a very big thumbs up for your suggestions.
I am from India. Do they deliver those sarms in India ?
And I have no clue about those sarms. First thing I'll do is go and study about them. Get some knowledge then ask for your suggestion again.
Big thanks.
Thank you brother. Btw ain't going to run anything for now. Later may be.
Thanks for your advice.
you are welcome bro... yes, they do deliver to india with no problems whatsoever... just let me know and im happy to help you with your stack... i can show you a very very strong cutting stack to help you start dropping the body fat you need to get rid of...
That will be really great if you can guide me what kind of stack will be good for me. And how much I can expect to reduce from it. I know diet is the key but I respond good to gym and never faced any issue while gaining or cutting. It is just that the pumps and asthetic from AAS is different.
I have been patient for quite long and I don't have any competition or occasion coming up so I can wait for AAS.
That will be really great if you can guide me what kind of stack will be good for me. And how much I can expect to reduce from it. I know diet is the key but I respond good to gym and never faced any issue while gaining or cutting. It is just that the pumps and asthetic from AAS is different.
I have been patient for quite long and I don't have any competition or occasion coming up so I can wait for AAS.
not a problem bro, thats what i do! i'll make it very easy for you... here are the links to purchase everything you need followed by the layout...

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
9-12 tongkat ali

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
Haha my bad I meant squats by 405lbs and yes I stick to basics.
My training regime is I train 1 muscle per day per week.
Chest- day1
Back-day 2
Rest-day 3
Shoulders tricep-day 4
Legs-day 5
Bicep -day 6
Rest- day 7
Train for 5-6 days and take1-2 day off.

My diet from morning till evening looks like
8am - oats 50gm approximately, 1 apple or some other cittrus fruit
11am- 4 chapati, veg gravy, 5 egg whites 1 yellow.
3 pm- 2 chapati and 200 gm chicken breast.
5pm - 2 chapati or oats
7:30pm-9pm - I train
Then 25gm post workout protein

I take creatine 3 months on and 1 month off.
Take l carnitine and bcaa during workout.
I take almonds, fish oil, vit c,vit e,b complex.
Typically this is it.

Here is your problem. Or at least most of it;

Chapati has got to GO, entirely too much whiteflour

Why are you eating vegetable gravy? What the hell IS vegetable gravy?

Too much fruit =too much sugar

One serving of chicken per day and no other solid protein?

What does "I take almonds" mean?
Chapati here is made of wheat so complex carbs here.
Vegetable gravy is something like vegetable fried in oil with spices. Usually the oil is not that high as you might imagine.
I take almonds means it's in my diet.
And apart from chicken I don't eat any other meat. So I'll include that more times soon.

If you ever visit India do let me know I'll surely make you taste some Indian chapati and vegetable gravy aka "Sabji".
Trust me you'll love it.
Thanks for everybody's advice here.
Tried looking for sarms that's way too expensive.
I'll just stick to natural ways for now.
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