Hello! i've ordered my Sarms from Xsarms, and im about to start my first sarms cycle. (they will arrive in mail shortly)
I've done plenty of reserach and talked with alot of u guys, but i have a couple of noob questions i need answered!
The cycle i will be running is : LGD-MK-GW And MK-GW-CLOMID for "pct"
first off, I've seen/heard that you're supposed to shake some of the SARMS before u use it, is this the case with all the sarms or just some? if just some, what ones do u need to shake before use?
second, if im right the mg's i should be running is: MK(2866) 25mg a day. LGD-4033: 10mg a day. and GW-501516 20mg a day. BUT, the question here is : the sarms come with a dropper, used for dosing.. how do you measure out mgs from the dropper?
Third question is, i've heard that the sarms (atleast some tastes like shit) which is fine, i dont really mind.. however, is there anything u can take with it to make it go down easier, for example just plain water? or will it reduce the effect of the sarm if u drink water immidiately after u've taken it, or along with it.?
fourth and last question is, regarding the pct. is it like a normal steroid cycle where u'd wait about 2 weeks before u start the pct or is there no need to wait this long for a SARMS only stack? im not really sure about the active life of all the sarms im running, so any tips here would be great.
that's all for now, would be great to have these "noob" questions answer before my sarms arrive shortly! feedback is greatly appriciated
ps: sorry for beeing a noob, we all gotta start somewhere ^^
I've done plenty of reserach and talked with alot of u guys, but i have a couple of noob questions i need answered!

The cycle i will be running is : LGD-MK-GW And MK-GW-CLOMID for "pct"
first off, I've seen/heard that you're supposed to shake some of the SARMS before u use it, is this the case with all the sarms or just some? if just some, what ones do u need to shake before use?
second, if im right the mg's i should be running is: MK(2866) 25mg a day. LGD-4033: 10mg a day. and GW-501516 20mg a day. BUT, the question here is : the sarms come with a dropper, used for dosing.. how do you measure out mgs from the dropper?
Third question is, i've heard that the sarms (atleast some tastes like shit) which is fine, i dont really mind.. however, is there anything u can take with it to make it go down easier, for example just plain water? or will it reduce the effect of the sarm if u drink water immidiately after u've taken it, or along with it.?
fourth and last question is, regarding the pct. is it like a normal steroid cycle where u'd wait about 2 weeks before u start the pct or is there no need to wait this long for a SARMS only stack? im not really sure about the active life of all the sarms im running, so any tips here would be great.
that's all for now, would be great to have these "noob" questions answer before my sarms arrive shortly! feedback is greatly appriciated

ps: sorry for beeing a noob, we all gotta start somewhere ^^