
First Experiences on Cycle


Just thought I would share my first week of experience running Test Cyp at 300mg/w for anyone who gives a shit. No previous cycles


Pin Experience:
Started pinning over a week ago splitting the doses through the week which is 2 pins at 150mg. Was very nervous at first pin using my delt as my first point. First pin was a little shit, scared myself halfway in and ended up with a small bruise due to it. Nothing bad though wasn't noticeable unless touched. Second pin was bliss used my other delt and had no issues at all. I felt a slight pain in my shoulder underneath where I pinned for a few days but was unsure if it was pin related. Just finished my third pin and holy fuck it was brutal tried my glute and bent the needle, didn't really notice until squeezing but felt like my leg was going numb really shitty pin but my fault for choosing such a terrible spot where its hard to reach and hard to keep a steady hand. Don't feel any pain right now though so that's a bonus, lesson learnt non the less.

First Week Mood:
Didn't feel anything for a few days but honestly knowing I am giving myself a boost really pushed my focus in all aspects. I was dedicated to my workouts like never before even my work I felt like I was trying harder. The last 3 days I have felt absolutely godlike. I admit I don't look it but man I feel like a king while working out. I feel so focused and powerful. Started lifting heavier simply due to the focus I feel. Its almost like i'm taking a pre-workout or shitload of caffeine. I was excited to pin tonight as my workout was killer. I am feeling extremely good, nothing to complain about.

Weight and Diet:
So far no noticeable gains or losses, weight has gone up by about 1-2lbs but too early to say if anything is keep-able. I look bigger but cant tell if that's all in my mind. My wife agrees but she will say that just to make boost my ego. Diet has been on point, currently at a calorie surplus running a 40/35/25 c/p/f and seems to be going great.

So far everything is going well, will be a 12 week cycle so I may update here once a week if anyone is interested and wants to read my rambling.

Shout out to everyone who has helped me along the way by helping me understand the importance of every aspect of safe and efficient use.
Good stuff, definitely log progress, we all learn form each other, especially in the beginning. I know if I ever decide to jump on I'll be nervous as shit those first few pins making sure I do everything right. Just here studying and learning everyday.
Pinning will take practice will get better..I suggest sticking with delts and maybe try quads because you have ultimate control
Stay away from glutes for now..because I don't want u to hit that sciatic nerve..U hit that brother you'll be calling 911 and I Shit u not
During the first week up to 4 weeks you really shouldn't experience much with long Ester test. It takes a good 4 weeks generally to get things going where you really start seeing differences. Soon you may start noticing better sense of wellbeing, libido, aggression, etc but the body and performance changes should come and start in a couple more weeks
Good stuff, definitely log progress, we all learn form each other, especially in the beginning. I know if I ever decide to jump on I'll be nervous as shit those first few pins making sure I do everything right. Just here studying and learning everyday.

When YOU jump on the GAINZ train it'll be epic... you got that solid frame to add to bro. Nothing but epic will follow trust that. One year transformation would be something special. I say go for it when it comes to you.
During the first week up to 4 weeks you really shouldn't experience much with long Ester test. It takes a good 4 weeks generally to get things going where you really start seeing differences. Soon you may start noticing better sense of wellbeing, libido, aggression, etc but the body and performance changes should come and start in a couple more weeks

Agreed, anything before then is simply placebo affect, but you may encounter some of the things RR discussed prior, especially from a mental aspect.
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