
Fat Loss Goal- One sarm, two sarms

craig wilson

New member

Money is tight time to time, you know the gig. Quick question. My bodyfat is around 18% now an I want to get it down. My diet is clean, although I think I was over estimating my calorie needs. I'm working out at least 3 times a week, big compound exercises. Playing hoops one day a week as well.

If you could pick one sarm for fat loss, which would it be?

If you could stack two sarms for fat loss, which two?

Curious what the vets think?

gw for sure and maybe sr9009, the possibilities are really endless but if you only have the money for 1 gw
GW it is. Just placed my order from sarmsx


I think you will dig it, I'm on day 4 today, I normally do 20 mins of cardio after weights, today I did 45 mins and felt the same as far as being winded...I know it's not a placebo effect either..
GW it is. Just placed my order from sarmsx


SMART choice... i will always go with GW number 1... that's a given... then sr9009 followed by s4... this is the six pack stack... one of my favorites... gw is definitely the primary i would go with though... 16 weeks at 20 mg per day...
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