
DAA with PCT


Just curious if anyone found it useful to run DAA along with the standard Clomid/Nolva/etc PCT protocol. If so, did you start it on day 1 of PCT, wait to give the SERMs a chance to do their thing and then add in after the first few weeks, or wait until after SERM use had ended to use it or something similar? Have about 6 weeks of Purus Labs Dpol (3.12g/serving of Sodium version of DAA (Nitratine) and I was thinking about adding in.
Have heard mixed opinions that using it or other natural Test boosters can be useful OR detrimental during PCT. Curious what the consensus was around here.

Just curious if anyone found it useful to run DAA along with the standard Clomid/Nolva/etc PCT protocol. If so, did you start it on day 1 of PCT, wait to give the SERMs a chance to do their thing and then add in after the first few weeks, or wait until after SERM use had ended to use it or something similar? Have about 6 weeks of Purus Labs Dpol (3.12g/serving of Sodium version of DAA (Nitratine) and I was thinking about adding in.
Have heard mixed opinions that using it or other natural Test boosters can be useful OR detrimental during PCT. Curious what the consensus was around here.


you can and it definitely wont hurt you... its not necessary either though... dont expect it to do something drastic for you or anything like that...
DAA can be a decent thing to add. It won't offer much honestly and I wouldn't make it a priority or anything, but it is a very cheap supplement to add at least.
DAA is basically ONLY good in PCT or if you have low test. Otherwise it has shown to hurt test levels. So if you're going to use it at all only use it in PCT

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