
Cycle of test and deca


New member
I am using test 250 and deca together to get me a little bigger and more gains. any advice on how much to use per week? this will be my first cycle in over 3 years. I am 150lb and want to get to a healthy 180. thanks
You need to post your COMPLETE stats;

Body fat %
Years of training
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run)
PCT for each cycle
Supplements (if any)
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???)
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.)

Be honest; don't write what you think we want to hear.
We need your FULL stats, experience and goals. I think you are getting a bit ahead of yourself here bud
150pds sounds underdeveloped to me, think a proper diet and strength training could get you close to 180. I would even consider some lgd, s4 and rad
150pds sounds underdeveloped to me, think a proper diet and strength training could get you close to 180. I would even consider some lgd, s4 and rad

How old are you? Best always to max out your gains first naturally (creatine, whey, BCAA's etc.), plateau, then SARMS. If you are under age 27, do not even think of AAS yet.
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