Quick little message to you Dylan! 
I think I'm speaking for everyone on the forum when I say you deserve everything coming your way my man!
Now questions come up like, "If my pct is 8 weeks, do I take your Post CT for those full 8 weeks or do you start taking it just before PCT?"
Without a doubt, you will answer all of the expected questions.
We will all be waiting for the videos too arrive. Then it will be time to throw some money at you haha! (I see a glimpse of a PayPal logo at the bottom, that makes my heart smile)
Imma go hit the sack now. Talk to you guys later!

I think I'm speaking for everyone on the forum when I say you deserve everything coming your way my man!
Now questions come up like, "If my pct is 8 weeks, do I take your Post CT for those full 8 weeks or do you start taking it just before PCT?"
Without a doubt, you will answer all of the expected questions.

Imma go hit the sack now. Talk to you guys later!