
Bulking SARM Stack (LGD4033 + RAD140) - 12 weeks


New member
Hey guys,

I'm 20, been lifting for 2 years and I really want to pack on some good quality mass and so I turned to this stack. I'm 5ft6, 148lbs, at around 13% bodyfat. I'm currently on 3150 cals, 158p, 105f, 393c. I follow a flexible dieting lifestyle but I keep to the 70/30 clean/dirty foods. I'm training 4 days a week with Push, Pull, Legs, Upper.

Just want any thoughts or input on this cycle. I have cardarine on hand so if anyone can tell me when to use it and when it's optimal, I'd appreciate it!

Weeks 1-12:
rad - 20mg everyday
lgd - 10mg everyday

pct weeks 12-14:
clomid - 50mg everyday
Great stack bro. However your pct should be:

Weeks 13-16
Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Also in my opinion 158g of pro is not enough ...
Great stack bro. However your pct should be:

Weeks 13-16
Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day

Also in my opinion 158g of pro is not enough ...

Thank you! Still want more opinions tho, oh and the protein, I always thought that 1g/lb is the optimal intake for protein?
As you want to bulk, I'd go for 1.5g per pound of lean body mass.. so In your case I would take around 190-200g of pro..
1 gram per pound when bulking is definitely not enough... 1.5 is definitely where you want to be...
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