
Best PCT for me??


New member
Sarmsx stack>>LDG 4033/RAD 140/MK 677/GW50. Started cycle @ 1/2 dose for first WK or so, added RAD (2) wks in @ full dose, then reduced to 1/2 for (2) wks, then back to full (trying to reduce legrathy). Took GW50 only on workout days. Horrible legrathy the entire cycle (approx 8-9 wks) no prebloods, but midbloods showed creatine,serum>>1.61/eGFR nonafrican am>>48/African>>56/calcium,serum>>10.5/alkaline phosphate,S>>36/AST (SGOT)>>50/Testosterone,serum>>57 (was over 900 a couple yes ago)/Luteinizing hormone,S>>1.1/Estradiol>>6.3. Age>>54/weight>>175/BF>>13%. Did add at least 10lbs, massive strength gains. Clomid 50/50/25/25 ? Or. the full PCT, including liquiNol/LiquiAro/GW50/mk2688 (which I don't have)???
Sarmsx stack>>LDG 4033/RAD 140/MK 677/GW50. Started cycle @ 1/2 dose for first WK or so, added RAD (2) wks in @ full dose, then reduced to 1/2 for (2) wks, then back to full (trying to reduce legrathy). Took GW50 only on workout days. Horrible legrathy the entire cycle (approx 8-9 wks) no prebloods, but midbloods showed creatine,serum>>1.61/eGFR nonafrican am>>48/African>>56/calcium,serum>>10.5/alkaline phosphate,S>>36/AST (SGOT)>>50/Testosterone,serum>>57 (was over 900 a couple yes ago)/Luteinizing hormone,S>>1.1/Estradiol>>6.3. Age>>54/weight>>175/BF>>13%. Did add at least 10lbs, massive strength gains. Clomid 50/50/25/25 ? Or. the full PCT, including liquiNol/LiquiAro/GW50/mk2688 (which I don't have)???
What is your full stats, experience, and goals bud?

You need to run the full platinum pct from

Clomid 50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
MK2866 25mg ED
GW 20mg ED

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Sarmsx stack>>LDG 4033/RAD 140/MK 677/GW50. Started cycle @ 1/2 dose for first WK or so, added RAD (2) wks in @ full dose, then reduced to 1/2 for (2) wks, then back to full (trying to reduce legrathy). Took GW50 only on workout days. Horrible legrathy the entire cycle (approx 8-9 wks) no prebloods, but midbloods showed creatine,serum>>1.61/eGFR nonafrican am>>48/African>>56/calcium,serum>>10.5/alkaline phosphate,S>>36/AST (SGOT)>>50/Testosterone,serum>>57 (was over 900 a couple yes ago)/Luteinizing hormone,S>>1.1/Estradiol>>6.3. Age>>54/weight>>175/BF>>13%. Did add at least 10lbs, massive strength gains. Clomid 50/50/25/25 ? Or. the full PCT, including liquiNol/LiquiAro/GW50/mk2688 (which I don't have)???

where did you get your sarms from???

you need a full pct... here is the link for everything you need followed by the layout...

clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/20/20/20
aromasin 12.5 mg eod
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
You mean full blood profile? I just mentioned the things out of norm. Been lifting since 14. Hard gainer, wanted to add mass. Better stack for that next time? And any other sarms/serms to take whilst on cycle to combat horrible drain? Want improve sleep, appetite as well next time.
nolva is 20 mg / ml so it is two droppers to get 40 mg... then its one dropper full when you drop to 20... clomid is 50 mg/ml so 1 dropper is 50 mg
Dylan gave you the right way to dose those. Concentrations are listed right on the bottles just like the sarms

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
ahhh man you will get good sleep with the 677 just give it a couple of weeks to work thru your system, a little lethargy and hunger the first couple of weeks but just push through that and you will be golden pony boy. wait nevermind you are in pct fuuuuck
You mean full blood profile? I just mentioned the things out of norm. Been lifting since 14. Hard gainer, wanted to add mass. Better stack for that next time? And any other sarms/serms to take whilst on cycle to combat horrible drain? Want improve sleep, appetite as well next time.

with these goals, there are several good options for you... 677 obviously for sleep and appetite... to help with lethargy, mk2866 and rad really get you energetic and feeling great and gw gets you the endurance you are after... i would go with the healing super stack.. its perfect for all the goals you have... you need to run 677 for a year without cycling off... here are the links for everything followed by the layout..

1-12 mk677 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 lgd-4033 10 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
mk677 25 mg day
A little legrathy will be a relief after (2) months of hell. Would be a cool thing, if the mk677 started to make me feel good, gonna stay on it for a yr. I,m just confused how the mk2866 fits into the pct scheme? Slightly suppressive, a 3/4 WK mini pct after use, 2/3 wks recovery time, test booster advisable????????????
A little legrathy will be a relief after (2) months of hell. Would be a cool thing, if the mk677 started to make me feel good, gonna stay on it for a yr. I,m just confused how the mk2866 fits into the pct scheme? Slightly suppressive, a 3/4 WK mini pct after use, 2/3 wks recovery time, test booster advisable????????????

Don't run mk2866 for a sarm pct. and for the record GW isn't going to do much for you if you only use it workout days man.

Phurious Pharma rep
[email protected]
'JS5' for 5% off your order!
A little legrathy will be a relief after (2) months of hell. Would be a cool thing, if the mk677 started to make me feel good, gonna stay on it for a yr. I,m just confused how the mk2866 fits into the pct scheme? Slightly suppressive, a 3/4 WK mini pct after use, 2/3 wks recovery time, test booster advisable????????????
Dylan gave the complete layout of your cycle and pct above. Mk2866 is not a part of your pct and neither is a test booster. Clomid, GW, and mk677 is what you will be running in pct

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Last question for dosing the aromitase @ 12.5mg. EOD, that sounds like 1/4 dropper, hey? Nay?

You actually need to dose a full dropper on the Aromasin. That will give you 15mg, since the aromasin is 15mg per ml and the extra 2.5mg won't make a difference
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