
Mid cycle blood results?


New member
Got the panel from lab corp, results say, abnormal. got stuff high and low. How can I have results deciphered? No doctors around me worth a shit. Any comments appreciated. Creatinine-high-1.61/eGFR nonafrican am-low-48/eGFR African am-low-56/calcium serum-high-10.5/alkaline phosphate s-low-36/AST (SGOT)-high-50/testosterone serum-low-57/luteinizing hormone s-low-1.1/estradiol-low-6.3. North of half way through a 12wk cycle on LGD-4033/MK-677/Rad-150/GW-50. Started at 1/4 dose to half dose to fulldropper on all but RAD-140. Added RAD approx 2wks after the rest, then approx 2wks ago, I reduced dosage to one dropper, trying to lessen legrathy.
Your low testosterone and luteinizing hormone (LH) show that you're suppressed, which is to be expected on LGD and RAD. Do you have a PCT planned to recover?
The high AST shows that something is stressing your liver a bit. Is your ALT in range? Are you taking any medications besides the SARMs?
Can't comment on creatinine, calcium, eGFR or alkaline phosphatase - hope someone else can chime in.
If you can share your stats - age, height, weight, bf% that could help interpret your values.
Got the panel from lab corp, results say, abnormal. got stuff high and low. How can I have results deciphered? No doctors around me worth a shit. Any comments appreciated. Creatinine-high-1.61/eGFR nonafrican am-low-48/eGFR African am-low-56/calcium serum-high-10.5/alkaline phosphate s-low-36/AST (SGOT)-high-50/testosterone serum-low-57/luteinizing hormone s-low-1.1/estradiol-low-6.3. North of half way through a 12wk cycle on LGD-4033/MK-677/Rad-150/GW-50. Started at 1/4 dose to half dose to fulldropper on all but RAD-140. Added RAD approx 2wks after the rest, then approx 2wks ago, I reduced dosage to one dropper, trying to lessen legrathy.

Liver enzymes are only slightly elevated above normal so that's not really concerning. You are showing some suppression from being on cycle which is also expected. At you running bloods post cycle?
Age=approaching=54 + height=5' 11" + weight=175 + BF= (not sure, but prob around 10-13%) Taking no other meds (some cannibis for my head) plus omega 3/vitamine 3D/CoQ10/ZMA/probiotics/milk thistle and wild crafted Mediterranean variety oil of oregano to follow up Lyme's contracted in June. I was going to get some clomid for PCT.
Post cyclke bloods

Didn't really think about it, but now I think I should. Only prob is the 100mi round trip to get it done. Should I get that after the 30 day pct? Much Thank folks.
ALT=36 + Supps=omega 3/vitamins D3/CoQ10/ZMA/milk thistle/probiotics/some cannibis/wild crafted oil of oregano=post Lyme's + age=approaching 54 + height=5' 11" + weight= 175 + BF= guessing around 10-13%.
ALT=36 + Supps=omega 3/vitamins D3/CoQ10/ZMA/milk thistle/probiotics/some cannibis/wild crafted oil of oregano=post Lyme's + age=approaching 54 + height=5' 11" + weight= 175 + BF= guessing around 10-13%.

We have similar stats and I was also quite suppressed after my LGD cycle. My TT dropped to about 70. I'm about to wrap up PCT myself. What is your PCT protocol?
Just on creatine, glutamine, hydro builder, sometimes preworkout drinks. I heard to just use clomid 4wks after cycle. Another suggestion was to use al exemestane for 2wks, then tamoxifen for 2-3wks. I,m open for suggestions as to the best protocol, so I can get it ordered soon. Appreciated....
What were your values before the cycle? It's I portent to know a baseline before the cycle to know what has changed
Unfortunately, I "being a newby", did not understand the importance of prebloods, so not sure what has been screwed up by the sarms, and what was already out of balance. As well, I had no idea what I was in for with the crash! I do have a bottle of LiquiNol and LiquiAro. Can I use these for trt or pct?
You and I have similar stats. I'm just wrapping up my PCT and I can tell you that the crash is not fun. Especially weeks 2 and 3 while your test is still low and the cycle "high" wears off. I did a full PCT with Clomid 50/50/25/25 and Nolvadex 40/40/20/20, plus supplementation with D-Aspartic Acid and zinc to stimulate test production. Just went for my bloods yesterday to see where I'm at... I'll report back.

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So many diff avenues for pct, guess I,ll just follow yours? Are those drugs for pct all created equal, so source isn't that important?
I guess it's less likely for SERMs to be bunk than SARMs, but I'd still go with a reputable source.

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