
Batman vs Superman


The movie is coming out in 2016. Who you guys rooting for? I got my money on Batman all the way! He's smart and would outrun superman with his brains
if this was real life, superman would obviously destroy batman with very little effort, lets be honest, all fanboy aside
Batman is being played by Ben Affleck....Nuff said LOL

well im not a huge fan of ben affleck so im definitely gonna go with Superman on this one. btw if anyone has seen Count of Monte Cristo (old movie) the counts son is the same actor who now plays Superman lol its pretty funny to see him as a little kid..
They filmed a large bit of this in Chicago. I was an extra in some of the scenes filmed in uptown. Didn't get to meet batman, or superman...

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Normally I'm a big Batman fan, but since it's Affleck, I'm gonna have to go man of steel on this. LOL. At least that guy is actually jacked
I really liked the last Superman film, action was killer and the guy that plays him is definitely super jacked. He's also in Man from UNCLE, looks huge in a suit. Good looking guy, no homo, bet he gets heaps of pussy.

As for Affleck, meh, I don't know. He's made a bit of a comeback but yeah, don't see him as making a good Batman.
if this was real life, superman would obviously destroy batman with very little effort, lets be honest, all fanboy aside

Actually that isnt true if you are a fan of dc and marvel. Batman ans superman are very evenly matched they have fought a few times. Before and during justice league. You supermans almost obsessive concern for preserving life is a weakness. Which causes him to hold back. When fighting as he knows if he hits too hard or does something too fast he could kill them. So he restrains himself. And only uses enough power to get the job done. Which equallizes them in a way. Batman is also extremly smart. Kind of a tony stark if u will. In some comics batman has a knife made of krptonite given to him by superman. He gave him this because they actually become great friends. And truly care for one another. Amd he gave him the knife as a backup plan if lets say superman was ever forced to do something by someone else like braniac or another powerful foe.

He gave it him because he trusts him to hold it and only use it if needed.

The trailer u see where he asks superman if he bleeds. Thats from a comic book. Called return of the dark knight from when i was young. Where he had to fight superman because he was going to remove all the nukes and all this other crap and his suit was plughed into a light pole and he beat supermans ass down cause the gauntlets were dipped in liquid cryptonite.

Its gonna be interesting how they tell this story since they are mixing alot of timelines.


Look familiar? Lol

Awww shit. Phurious bringing it back lol. Dude I haven't seen those comics for soo damn long.

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Superman for sure! I'm a huge fan of Henry Cavill...started watching him from the show "The Tudors"

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The movie is coming out in 2016. Who you guys rooting for? I got my money on Batman all the way! He's smart and would outrun superman with his brains

ahh i gotta go batman because my son is a batman freak.But if you are going by powers, superman should whip his ass pretty easy .yes it will take outsmarthing him for batman to win, if it is anywhere realistic
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