
Asking for a fucking miracle...

You know you're pinning a lot when you get this fucking zit....


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You should invest in a winnebago and have them stay in there when they come. Then when they're asleep at night you can quietly let off the parking brake and coast that shit down the road a ways to the nearest intersection.
Sounds like hell on earth to me! good luck champ

Sometimes I wonder about that... I often try to compensate for a lot of bad shit I've done in my past by doing random kind shit. I wonder if having to deal with them with some sort of patience is some kind of test for me. Especially dealing with Pot Roast. I've had nightmares about her literally asking/begging/pleading for shit where I've woke up yelling at her. Her life is absolutely fucked up and even my wife's other sisters won't let her stay with them. She has literally burned every bridge she has had and to show her any kindness is to set yourself up for failure. When my wife told her she (and her village of miscreants couldn't stay with us) she turned around and talked shit about us like she/they were our responsibility. I mean common sense dictates that at age 49 you might need to maintain a roof over your head I would think right? That woman is so full of angst and bitterness about her own life/self that she literally oozes a evil vibe when I see her.
You know you're pinning a lot when you get this fucking zit....


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Deca gives me those on my back and shoulders! FML.... I'm gonna try NPP in the future and see if a different ester will make a difference.
Wife talked to her responsible sister in Louisiana "A1". She plans on coming with her oldest daughter "K" and her son "R". Keep count people.
They're gonna go to Houston and pick up "A2" and her adult live at home daughter "A3". There are so many fucking people living with her I don't know how many of these ruffians might show up (2 grand babies, another adult daughter, her husband and "A2"'s other son). Pot Roast is jobless so she might come which means her tribe might come (PR1, PR2, PR3 and grandchild of Pot Roast). Did you keep count?? Minimum 10 socially awkward and loud country, back wood people, some with a history of stealing from family members. I'm gonna have to buy a 150 pound safe to put shit up... I told my wife that my son will not share or give up his room period, I'll gladly sleep on the couch somewhere and that Pot Roast disrespectful ass son is not welcome in my house. I have enough cameras in the house to catch thieves, but what will piss me off is the actions of some of her family members while here.
Now I know some of you are thinking I'm being an ass and should just suck it up, or that I'm being a jerk... well go fuck yourself you're wrong. You have no idea what this is gonna be like for me and if I'm so unpleasant to be around myself then cool they can just not come...

Fuck my entire Christmas. And my wife is gonna want to buy them gifts too and I think that's half their motivation for coming. Arrrgghhhhhh!!!!!

I do not think you an asshe bro. Frankly Am not sure I could even invite the rest of American side of family for Christmas if they were alive!! I think you got balls for going through it. Not sure I would do it.

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