
Tbol cycle


New member
Hello just wanted to get some info I'm 19 year old My height is 5,10 and weight is 150 with 2-5 % body fat. I've been working out off and on for about a year and a half and wanted to get on a cycle to start bulking up I've watched your videos and some others on Tbol and thought that would be a good choice. And also having a t booster into that just want some advice for a beginner
you lost credibility within the first sentence claiming your body fat... you would be dead at 2%... stop being a troll... do you realize how pathetic that is?
In the unlikely event that you're not a troll - go and find someone who actually knows about weight training and get them to teach you how to train and eat correctly. When you've done that for the next ten years and made substantial gains come back here and ask for advice on gear.
Well bud, you are entirely too young to use any kind of steroid and you won't get any help here on that. You don't go messing with your developing endocrine system at your age without severe repercussions. The only thing you need right now is good training and diet. Your bodyfat number is also impossible
please do yourself a favor and dont EVER tell anyone you are that body fat bro or you will get flamed like you have never seen.... im just not that kind of guy but i assure you, you lost all credibility with that statement
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