
Weight loss


New member
I have been watching your videos and learning as much as I can. I have been eating clean and working out twice a day everyday. I'm just not seeing the results I want. So I started a cycle of test-E and var. I only started that because of buddies. But I just watch your video on anavar and how you said if your over weight it's not for u. I'm 220 but my goal is 190. Would you recommend clen instead of var, or maybe something with ephedra? Thanks
No need for that stuff man. What you need to do is get your nutrition setup properly. If you're training hard and eating "clean" as you say and you're not losing weight, then you need to readjust your calories/macros or increase your cardio to put yourself in a deficit. You can't depend on gear to do the work for you. What are your stats? Age, height, estimated bf%, and how long have you been training? Is this your first cycle? Ai? Pct planned?

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I have been watching your videos and learning as much as I can. I have been eating clean and working out twice a day everyday. I'm just not seeing the results I want. So I started a cycle of test-E and var. I only started that because of buddies. But I just watch your video on anavar and how you said if your over weight it's not for u. I'm 220 but my goal is 190. Would you recommend clen instead of var, or maybe something with ephedra? Thanks

bro, if you watched my video about not using steroids when your overweight then why are you continuing? have you watched my videos on clen and how dangerous it is??? I wont even discuss it with people because there's not a chance in the world i would ever recommend it... no chance at all... when your overweight, do you think its wise to use stimulants?? NO because its likely your blood pressure and cholesterol are already bad and your going to stress them even more... thats the worst thing you could do... your making a HUGE mistake... your "buddies" are not buddies whatsoever, they are assholes for telling you to do things so harmful... you need to not associate with them whatsoever or they are going to get you severely hurt...

i have other alternatives for you to help... you may be overtraining though... when you say you are working out 2 times a day, what exactly are you doing?

read my articles on sarms at

you can get all these products at

this is the cycle you want to run

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
I have been watching your videos and learning as much as I can. I have been eating clean and working out twice a day everyday. I'm just not seeing the results I want. So I started a cycle of test-E and var. I only started that because of buddies. But I just watch your video on anavar and how you said if your over weight it's not for u. I'm 220 but my goal is 190. Would you recommend clen instead of var, or maybe something with ephedra? Thanks

First should NOT be using steroids. Secondly...just because you are eating clean does not mean you are eating low enough calories to loose weight. You can become a big fat fuck by eating too much "clean". Clen is terrible if you are are fat. Fucks you up in the cardiovascular system. Look into some Spark by Advocare,or Phenbuterol, and add a heaping helping of discipline and will, and count your calories.
Working out twice a day, everyday??? That is a huge red flag. Your body needs rest. Your causing stress in your body. When you workout for fat loss you want to decrease volume slightly, but keep your intensity up to maintain strength and muscle. Try a upper lower split three days a week.Your body will love the rest. In fact, if you have been hitting it 2x a day for 7 days a week, take a solid week off.

Your body will love you even more.
You won't lose any muscle after 1 day. ANd it helps your weekly calorie deficit a lot. i do it every now and then and ive gone 4 days before for a photoshoot
Just as a quick aside to the weight loss question, is it more beneficial to wait until I'm closer to a naturally leaner weight (<14% bf) before running something like GW or a stack of SARMS or can they be used to help the process along at a slightly higher bf%?

Not sure if it's worth waiting till progress has slowed drastically without being helped along
Get a digital scale and start weighing your food fill up on green veggies and eat oats and rice and poatatoes for carb sources MEASURE THEM stay away from processed grains and avoid sugar like the plague limit fruit and only consume around training periods with the exception of berries there high in fiber and low in sugars get healthy fats but MEASURE a calorie is a calorie and a gram of fat from olive oil and beef fat are stll 9 calories a gram . for a metabolic stimulant Im gonna recommend 15 min of HIIT CARDIO no damn clen and if your not loosing weight your eating too much simple math bro weigh and measure
bro, if you watched my video about not using steroids when your overweight then why are you continuing? have you watched my videos on clen and how dangerous it is??? I wont even discuss it with people because there's not a chance in the world i would ever recommend it... no chance at all... when your overweight, do you think its wise to use stimulants?? NO because its likely your blood pressure and cholesterol are already bad and your going to stress them even more... thats the worst thing you could do... your making a HUGE mistake... your "buddies" are not buddies whatsoever, they are assholes for telling you to do things so harmful... you need to not associate with them whatsoever or they are going to get you severely hurt...

i have other alternatives for you to help... you may be overtraining though... when you say you are working out 2 times a day, what exactly are you doing?

read my articles on sarms at

you can get all these products at

this is the cycle you want to run

1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 mk-2866 25 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
9-12 daa

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day

^Definitely agree with this statement and also the cycle that has been provided is perfect for weight loss.
How effecting is the one day a week fasting?

What are the chances of muscle loss?

you could do the 3 day tuna and water diet.
On the day that you fast you must drink a lot of water.A shot of apple cider vinegar or maybe some water with a squeeze of lemon and a dash of cayenne pepper.
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