
Fat loss Help?


New member
Hi guys not sure if I'm posting in the correct place. I'm trying to loose weight as fast as possible and wanting your guidance if you would care to help.

I'm 32 male, 5ft 10 or 177cm. I weight 258lb currently.
Im eating 800 calories a day and just started taking carderine 20mg first thing on a morning and jogging for 70 mins which burns roughly 1000calories. This is everyday.
I take these supplements below:
Iodine, selenium, zinc 50mg, vid D 4000iu, multivitamin A-Z, iron 15mg elemental,
Is there anything else I could take to maximise as much fat loss as possible? I want to do this in the fastest possible way.
Ideally aiming for 155lb to 165lb depending how I look/feel and then doing a slow lean bulk after.

With nutrition I eat alot of chicken breast and broccoli/ carrots and chilli con carne at moment. I find that filling and high protein.
you are going too extreme... 800 calories per day? you are going to stall out your metabolism by under eating, not to mention the health implications in general of eating that little... You are wanting to get all the way down to 155 at 5'10"?? thats insanely skinny for that height... i cant really help on this one because its just way too much and none of it is health to do

how can you say you eat "a lot" of anything.... thats NOT POSSIBLE eating only 800 calories per day... you are eating a lot of nothing man.. i eat low end at 1500-1600 calories per day a lot of days and thats even too low. you are doing damage eating that little
You need to take in more calories as Dylan pointed out. You are starving yourself and your muscles! The more lean muscle you obtain, the more fat you lose. You are hurting yourself eating that little amount of food
I do understand that. I'm not to fussed about muscle at the moment as I'm so obese and it's affecting my back pain. I could cut down to 200lb in 2 to 3 months and then slow the weight loss and up the calories.

What damage is done with low calorie diets. I was under the impression metabolism can not go down relative to body weight unless there is a thyroid problem.
Feel like I have a learning curve to go through.
it is better to cycle calories man. not to eat in a strict deficit. the less calories you take in the less your body burns too. so that isn't a long term solution

a better idea further is fasting. learn about fasting techniques
bro you cant eat 800 cals a day you will complete deplete your body and metabolism.
You need to diet right bro. Get your kcals up above your BMR and hit the gym and cardio. I would start at around 150-200g protein a day take in around 200g carbs 85% of them in front half of your day. Get clean meats veggies and whole grains bro
I do understand that. I'm not to fussed about muscle at the moment as I'm so obese and it's affecting my back pain. I could cut down to 200lb in 2 to 3 months and then slow the weight loss and up the calories.

What damage is done with low calorie diets. I was under the impression metabolism can not go down relative to body weight unless there is a thyroid problem.
Feel like I have a learning curve to go through.
Don't hyperfocus on calories man. 800 is way too low regardless. Just eat the right kinds of food. Single ingredient foods......raw fruits and veggies, beef, chicken, eggs, avocado, etc. Just eat when you are hungry. If you are eating the right foods that is the most important thing. You should also look into fasting or eating in a window.
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