
VIDEO: How to properly pin your deltoids

This video is a great resource, because delts seem to be one of those areas that people continually have problems with until they get the proper site and technique down. Thanks for posting this Dylan
OK I'm man enough to admit I've botched more delt injections than ANY other site and I've stuck lotsa other people in their delt :D
This video is a great resource, because delts seem to be one of those areas that people continually have problems with until they get the proper site and technique down. Thanks for posting this Dylan

Delts were my very first injection sites and not knowing shit i definitely had a few injuries including the fact that it was virgin muscle and i was alot leaner. Man, the things we do when were younger and dont know any better. I thought my arm was going to fall off or i had an infection, lol. I learned the hard way so others dont have to
i found delts the easiest site to pick up and pin with little thought.Suprised so many people had trouble with them
oh wow... mine literally tries to watch and has to turn and hide etc... i just don't trust anyone to do it anyway though...

I'm right with you there. Nobody pins me but me....period. I have the technique down to where I don't feel a thing anymore. No reason to throw a wrench into that
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