
SR9009/GW stack and sleep problem


I'm currently on my 5th week of this stack and I'm having real issues sleeping at night. Is this from the SR9009? I'm having to take Ambien to knock myself out...really sucks.

Any thought or suggestions. Thanks.

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I mean are you dosing the GW in the am before workout or is your workout in the afternoon and that is when you dose. I do remember you asking before if you took it in the morning would you be good all day for your afternoon workout. Is that still what you are doing?

and how is this cycle treating you otherwise? Very interested in your take on it since you are a somewhat pro/semi pro cyclist. you may want to add the mk 677 for the sleep part of this, most guys are saying they sleep very well on this
I'm dosing the GW in the morning and the SR throughout the day. My thought is it's the SR screwing the sleep up? All doses are the suggested doses.

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I'm dosing the GW in the morning and the SR throughout the day. My thought is it's the SR screwing the sleep up? All doses are the suggested doses.

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what time is your last 5mg dose? is there anyway you could start earlier? and you may have to tweak a little here and there, I know the 5 to 6 times a day dosing protocol but maybe back it down to 5 or 4 and cut it off a little earlier in the day
Everything is great. I'm seeing results...but nervous about the lack of sleep. All my training is in the I dose GW in the morning when I wake up. I'm still gaining endurance...pretty crazy. Dropped about 3# and 1% bf.

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certainly not good to have to dose ambien contantly when you could get the effects from the mk677 for sleep
No kidding. My doctor hates the stuff. I'll cut back the doses in 1/2 and see.

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The endurance is noticeable. Recovery from intervals on the bike during the workout and from day to day is noticeable too. Especially vo2 max intervals...the really hard stuff is easier. works.

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good to hear!!! I know you were a little skeptical at first and that is pretty normal but im glad you got on the train and yes I believe it would not be a problem to jump on the 677 mid stream, and you cant beat the dang 35% off sale right now either stock up for later cycles. shelf life is a year with proper storage cool dry dark closet
well im not sure a lot of the guys are saying they are having hunger issues on it, but it subsides in a couple of weeks. I cant tell you firsthand I don't start it for another week. I would let RR or Dylan weigh in on it. but I think as much as you workout and ride per week you would be fine if your diet is on point and dialed which I assume it is.
All this shit is pretty amazing. I need to be more hungry like a hole in the head. But I'll take it for sleep. Sleep is the most important...few realize.

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right sleep is recovery and the more you get the better you get. lol and yes I have been pretty amazed at the previous stack and do not expect less from the current one I am about to run
i certainly don't need the hunger issues either. i still need to cut about 10% bf, but if i eat smart a lot of crunchy veggies during the day i should be ok
how much longer do you have on that cycle? and yes i would, you can always stop if you level out with your sleep patterns, or if it is too much with the hunger/bulk problem. just like most sarms i think the half life is very short less than 24 hours for sure
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