
Questions About TRT Replacement and its Effects

Yes, you will be fine after one shot bro. No big deal at all. I'd honestly try to fix these other things before jumping on that TRT train. That's a pretty big deal and pretty big step, especially when in my honest opinion it's not needed for you

Take a look at this rick, this was just under 24 months ago.... for about 12 months now I've been feeeling those low symptoms. But i think i may have figured it out, vitamin d3.


So after that blood work I would say around feb of 2015 is when all this shit started happening, test level dropping down to 500s and free down to 90s,

I just now figured out my Vitamin d3 was SEVERELY Low, and from the looks of it , I think it correlates with low T, or at least drops your T quite substantially.

This would explain my Shoulder PAIN that came out of nowhere as well.....
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Yes, you will be fine after one shot bro. No big deal at all. I'd honestly try to fix these other things before jumping on that TRT train. That's a pretty big deal and pretty big step, especially when in my honest opinion it's not needed for you
I completely agree with RR. Trt is a big step and it doesn't look like you need it if youre in the 600s naturally. You may be feeling good now but that could be placebo or something else. You want to find and fix the root of the problem. What if trt isnt the right step for you and down the line you end up feeling the same way? Then you would be faced with more issues and permanant trt when it might have not been needed in the first place. I suggest spending more time figuring out the real issue.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5
I completely agree with RR. Trt is a big step and it doesn't look like you need it if youre in the 600s naturally. You may be feeling good now but that could be placebo or something else. You want to find and fix the root of the problem. What if trt isnt the right step for you and down the line you end up feeling the same way? Then you would be faced with more issues and permanant trt when it might have not been needed in the first place. I suggest spending more time figuring out the real issue.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5

Yes i think hes correct, I had 1 injection on Thursday, I will inform my TRT doc, to give me more time to fix some issues, I suspect D3 is the main cause of my issues. again all these symptoms slowly creeped on me, the shoulder one was the biggest one out of the blue, and has been persistent for 3 months now
sorry..I'm NOT buying it!

The current standard of care form The Endrocine Society for TRT
2 blood test over 3 months or more with results below 300ng/dL
Once on TRT they shoot for blood levels of 400-700ng/dL

There isn't a legitimate Endrocinolgist that would put you on TRT with a natural test level in the 600's

you need to stop this have no idea what your messing with
From The Endocrine Society:

It is important to confirm low testosterone concentra-
tions in men with an initial testosterone level in the mildly
hypogonadal range because 30% of such men may have a
normal testosterone level on repeat measurement (17).
Also, 15% of healthy young men may have a testosterone
level below the normal range in a 24-h period. In a com-
munity-based, multiethnic cohort of middle-aged to older
men, day-to-day variations in serum testosterone concen-
trations were found to be sufficiently large that single tes-
tosterone measurements were inadequate to characterize
an individual’s levels, and at least two testosterone mea-
surements were needed to diagnose androgen deficiency
with greater confidence (17).

The assessment of men for androgen deficiency should
include a general health evaluation to exclude systemic
illness, use of certain medications (e.g.opiates or high-
dose glucocorticoid therapy) and recreational drugs that
affect testosterone production or metabolism, eating dis-
orders, and excessive exercise because these conditions
can lower testosterone levels transiently (5).

Long-acting opioid analgesics suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-
gonadal axis in men, produce symptomatic androgen

When you go on are not replace it in total
You shut down ALL of your normal test production and all that goes with making it

When you "shut down" you aren't just stopping test are altering the whole endocrine system
You alter/change/stop production of up to 300 other hormones...including pituatary gland thyroid gland,pineal gland,adrenal gland and pancreas

NATURAL PRODUCTION OF TEST IS AN INTRICATE COMPLICATED SYSTEM>>>don't mess with mother nature unless it your course of last resort

I've been on TRT for 15yrs...the first few years were great...then subtle changes start and the body DOES NOT THE REACT SAME
10 years in and it becomes a real challenge to keep everything on track
Loss of libido can happen even when you increase the trt dose...antibiotics don't work the same...a score of different changes happen...including possible increased rick of prostate cancer

NOTHING BEATS NATURAL TEST....TRT only replaces testosterone... a small fraction of the ecosystem your messing with
When you go on are not replace it in total
You shut down ALL of your normal test production and all that goes with making it

When you "shut down" you aren't just stopping test are altering the whole endocrine system
You alter/change/stop production of up to 300 other hormones...including pituatary gland thyroid gland,pineal gland,adrenal gland and pancreas

NATURAL PRODUCTION OF TEST IS AN INTRICATE COMPLICATED SYSTEM>>>don't mess with mother nature unless it your course of last resort

I've been on TRT for 15yrs...the first few years were great...then subtle changes start and the body DOES NOT THE REACT SAME
10 years in and it becomes a real challenge to keep everything on track
Loss of libido can happen even when you increase the trt dose...antibiotics don't work the same...a score of different changes happen...including possible increased rick of prostate cancer

NOTHING BEATS NATURAL TEST....TRT only replaces testosterone... a small fraction of the ecosystem your messing with
Thank you for your input, I definitely appreciate the advice. I will discontinue the TRT until I can resolve some of these issues, as the Vitamin D deficiency is the biggest problem atm, I didn't realize how much the symptoms mimic low test.
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